Message from @Yussuki ₪
Discord ID: 760580670815862784 => paid only 10% 870 USD --> it costed around 8700
90% is financed by the Govt.
See ya ppl
Why can't USA make its own China in Mexico? Somewhere at the border, establish a Free Trade Zone. And all emigrants and mexicans would go to the Mexican China and make products there 😄
And build huge factories.
And legally place the Mexican China under NAFTA. So nobody is responsible if something goes boom 😄
Find some escape goat.
And relocate detainees as workers. Like build a Mexican China with prisoners and emigrants. And in time, it will become a prisoner country which will produce more stuff than China does.
China already does use prisoners this way.
Yeah, but the American MexiChina wouldnt force them. Prisoners can choose to work for less time in prison. Like we do it in Europe.
Black markets keep economies alive in bad times
USA + MEXICO = MexiChina in the south of US. This way it will also dismantle the cartels.
Don’t think so - Brazil, China, some south Asian countries grow a lot more tobacco, all varieties. Much cheaper also
Yea . But i meant factories. USA + Mexico to build a MexiChina where people can work like they do in China. And make stuff
I wasn’t responding to you zino - kinda commenting on the voice chat
I think your idea of mexico being the manufacturing hub is a good one.
With separate international statute
I meant the geographic area - if you change too much about the governance it won’t be as cheap anymore.
Like a huge corporate state. Wheren every1 can buy shares
And auction its products. Ofc USA and mexico will win cause they are closer to it and transport is cheap
I’m outdoors - too many people around. Will be more of a nuisance if I talk.
Thanks Kaizen for asking. Appreciate it.
Be right back
What do you guys think about protectionism as a policy?
USA is ranked 6th on ‘doing business 2020’ - which ranks countries on 6 parameters in terms of ease of doing business
Protectionism is great
Only way to succes
You can't protect a nation unless you protect its prosperity. Prosperity can be safeguarded only in competition with other economies.
Everything boils down to the individual