Message from @Yussuki ₪
Discord ID: 760586392798494731
USA + MEXICO = MexiChina in the south of US. This way it will also dismantle the cartels.
Don’t think so - Brazil, China, some south Asian countries grow a lot more tobacco, all varieties. Much cheaper also
Yea . But i meant factories. USA + Mexico to build a MexiChina where people can work like they do in China. And make stuff
I wasn’t responding to you zino - kinda commenting on the voice chat
I think your idea of mexico being the manufacturing hub is a good one.
No not Mexico. A MexiChina. Something like a working colony
With separate international statute
I meant the geographic area - if you change too much about the governance it won’t be as cheap anymore.
Like a huge corporate state. Wheren every1 can buy shares
And auction its products. Ofc USA and mexico will win cause they are closer to it and transport is cheap
I’m outdoors - too many people around. Will be more of a nuisance if I talk.
Thanks Kaizen for asking. Appreciate it.
Be right back
What do you guys think about protectionism as a policy?
USA is ranked 6th on ‘doing business 2020’ - which ranks countries on 6 parameters in terms of ease of doing business
Protectionism is great
You can't protect a nation unless you protect its prosperity. Prosperity can be safeguarded only in competition with other economies.
Everything boils down to the individual
@ThePangburn truer words have never been spoken
I commend her
I'm glad she's working out ❤️
Fucking champ!
Save this for ANIMAL DAY...
We will be having VEGAN day soon 🙂
deciding to table the conversation for a few minutes later
Sam Harris should release his tax returns... See if he followed the laws the same as Trump followed them.