Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 736103075265380412
Fair enough
I already agree with u btw.
For anyone that hasn't already seen the speech "Sex and Circumcision", it is a must watch if you're interested in learning more about the history/harms of ritual and routine circumcision. The speaker is Eric Clopper, a Jewish man who was previously employed by Harvard. They fired him after giving he gave the speech despite the fact that they permitted him to conduct it in their own presentation hall.
Check it out here -
Eric has now filed a lawsuit against Harvard, and you can read about it on his website here -
A lot of women prefer circumcised penises.
Hitchens Hitchens hitchens!....
Did he appear?
Huh? I'm just making a joke lol
Yeah he was the best. The IDW wouldn't have known what to do with him.
Shorter clip less fluff
I've seen it many times. He's awesome
This is a must listen
Damn, Brian goes in on that presentation. He is really a top notch academic. You can tell he has researched every facet of this topic.
Regardless of the research, I feel the best course is to let the kids grow up and decide for themselves
@Deleted User Ya, in the video that @cody shared that is exactly what the speaker is arguing for.
If you're wondering why my name is 555666, it's from the Heretic Anthem by Slipknot. :D
@everyone today's mission: head over to Shapiro 's twitter and share this tweet with him.
A little blunt with the message, but still funny
The "Cincinnati Mohel"
Look at this sick fuck
"A mohel's dream"
Holy fuck!
There isn't enough fire to rid the world of this kind of evil
How fucked is it that this guy can openly advertise his services as a infant mutilator.
Like that is this dudes actual job. He goes around to peoples homes and violently mutilates children.
People need to stop chopping baby dicks.
That is a horrific image.
@EllenPage What people need to do is start speaking out against it.
Start RAGING out against it!