
Discord ID: 333085518801797120

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Hitchens Hitchens hitchens!....

Did he appear?

Huh? I'm just making a joke lol

Yeah he was the best. The IDW wouldn't have known what to do with him.

@Skillz oh believe me I know. He's great

I've seen it many times. He's awesome

Jews are not fascist, nor are Muslims. 1.7 billion people are not fascist. Wake up

Female genital mutilation is what it's called and its entire purpose is designed to deny women of any sexual pleasure. It is a far cry from circumcision. While both are strange. FGM is just sadistic even on the bare surface. A lot of times women can't use the bathroom anymore without extreme pain. One of my capstone papers back in college was on this topic along with acid attacks.

@Jarlkage Productions you can still experience sexual pleasure and not have pain using the bathroom with circumcision vs FGM. Look I have no problem calling circumcision MGM. The last part is just not true though. I do have an argument for why FGM is worse. The way women are cut varies in places but when it's done but when it's done where the clitoris is removed that is not the same thing as removing foreskin. That FGM is the equivalent of being a eunuch, removing your dick, or a large part of it. Ok? And while they're both bad practices we can have a nuanced conversation about them. As for "both of which you are struggling to support" dude I am not supporting either

For the open mic

What are you all discussing?

Can I jump in?

Just sending to show Dandan

@kaizen very true

But idk who this person is so I'm not saying it's not a good video. Just bad company making it

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