Message from @kcon415

Discord ID: 750758409003073605

2020-09-01 22:25:15 UTC  

how does this figure in relation to my question?

2020-09-01 22:33:49 UTC  

You said you feel abused. So I was thinking about asking about it directly. You say there was no abuse, so the statements are incongruent with each other.

2020-09-01 22:35:10 UTC  

I felt abused in relation to this one instance

2020-09-01 22:35:36 UTC  

I wouldn't describe it as a pattern of abuse, nor necessarily that my parents were the perpetrators

2020-09-01 22:36:01 UTC  

Not only do I feel abused, but I feel as though the abuse has left a lasting impact on my life

2020-09-01 22:36:19 UTC  

and it quit often really bothers me, and I'm not sure what to do about it

2020-09-01 22:36:53 UTC  

If I may ask, and I understand if it was traumatic, what happened?

2020-09-01 22:38:00 UTC  

the name of this channel?

2020-09-01 22:38:22 UTC  

How old were you?

2020-09-01 22:38:31 UTC  

idk probably newborn

2020-09-01 22:38:45 UTC  

Do you remember what it was like.

2020-09-01 22:38:48 UTC  


2020-09-01 23:08:30 UTC  

Ok. So if your parents weren't abusive and you have no recollection. What is it that you think that leads you to feeling abused?

2020-09-01 23:21:04 UTC  

Most likely the fact that we found out that getting a piece of your dick sliced off for "Cleanliness and Hygiene" and you have a shit ton of nerves missing and your parents have been indoctrinated to cut a piece of your dick off I'd imagine

2020-09-02 04:47:08 UTC  

you make "piece of dick" like you live with one eye or one leg and not some irrelevant dick foreskin

2020-09-02 04:48:19 UTC  

Irrelevant? It literally reduces the pleasure you receive from sex

2020-09-02 04:48:36 UTC  

Unless you don't lile sex or can't get sex it's pretty relevant

2020-09-02 04:48:40 UTC  


2020-09-02 04:48:59 UTC  

Or you're too young for it or old for it etc etc

2020-09-02 16:41:39 UTC  

This brings up a good question. If the foreskin is gone, and you miss it. If you could, what limb would you trade for it? Would you trade a pinky toe? An eye? A fingertip? An ear? One nut?

2020-09-02 16:45:53 UTC  

Appendix? Kidney?

2020-09-02 17:03:04 UTC  

How about i dont want any body part taken........

2020-09-02 17:12:10 UTC  

@therealdandan this comment is useless. Would you care to contribute to the conversation?

2020-09-02 17:16:06 UTC  

I am, i think your question is absoultly asanine. I looekd at your question and as some one who is circumsised thought it absured. Imagin asking someone who feels abused bc he feels his parants mamed him, wether he would like to trade another body part for it.

2020-09-02 17:26:49 UTC  

btw the open mic is up if anyone is intrested in joining

2020-09-02 17:26:49 UTC  

This is a safe space for discussion. If these questions are too emotional for you, I would recommend you dump your emotions elsewhere. There is a person here @squid who is feeling some emotions about what happened to him and he’s trying to talk about it and hash it out with us. If you look above my comment someone before me made the claim that losing a foreskin is not as significant as losing another body part. This, in my mind is an unfair assumption. I’m trying to pose a thought exercise that can give the person that feels they are missing something an opportunity to describe something in a way that others may understand. This is what we’re here for.

2020-09-02 17:29:53 UTC  

This is a safe space for discussion. If my criticizims are too emotional for you, I would recommend you dump your emotions elsewhere.

I think that question in a way can confuse and negativly impact the psyche of a person who already feel mamed. Feeling the loss of a body part is something that is psychologically ver difficlt,

2020-09-02 17:31:24 UTC  

@therealdandan @kcon415 play nice, homies.

2020-09-02 17:31:55 UTC  

meny woman who go through Mastectomies suffer greatly specificaly bc that body part is sexualy realted so by asking that question, in the way you did you are softly comparing one body part to another

2020-09-02 17:32:53 UTC  

and i did read the whole converstation

2020-09-02 17:32:57 UTC  

How difficult? Compared to what? I think this is worth exploring. I feel like this is the space to attempt to look at that.

2020-09-02 17:33:06 UTC  

@therealdandan there are no off limits questions.

2020-09-02 17:33:15 UTC  

i never said there were

2020-09-02 17:33:40 UTC  

you can ask it and i can crticize it

2020-09-02 17:34:23 UTC  

Honestly, I normally wouldn’t have posed it like that. Lockwood has already made the comment and I was trying to steer things back to something useful.

2020-09-02 17:35:22 UTC  

@therealdandan if you dont like his question, just don't engage with it.

2020-09-02 17:35:45 UTC  

@kcon415 i dont think you were malicious one bit. I just answered it as i thought was appropriate.

2020-09-02 17:37:11 UTC  

@m.miller so i shouldent honestly engade with a question someone poses, if i think the question poorly worded, or asanine?

2020-09-02 17:38:17 UTC  

@therealdandan that's not what I'm trying to say.

2020-09-02 17:38:25 UTC  

You didn’t answer it. You made an assumption that my question was overly insensitive and attempted to shut it down. I would love for you or anyone to actually answer my question. Not ridicule the utility of the question itself.

2020-09-02 17:38:29 UTC  

I was simply trying to understand @squid 's point of view