Message from @Ricky Beanbag

Discord ID: 761460152188010516

2020-10-02 05:26:36 UTC  


2020-10-02 05:26:53 UTC  

Give it to Pence

2020-10-02 05:26:58 UTC  

I'm not panicking because I'm an old man and everybody and their uncle older than me has been through crazy shit before.

2020-10-02 05:27:24 UTC  

Justice nomination will be pushed through due to uncertainty?

2020-10-02 05:27:48 UTC  

"we can't vote if the president will 404", is what will happen imo

2020-10-02 05:27:53 UTC  

> Justice nomination will be pushed through due to uncertainty?
@based Trump's dying wish lol

2020-10-02 05:27:55 UTC  

If we can make it through covid, riots, and the dow dropping 4 fucking thousand points in a week we can survive this

2020-10-02 05:28:08 UTC  

Lucky me, I stocked up on food necessities, ammo, etc a while back.

What this means for my longterm savings and investments are another thing

2020-10-02 05:28:22 UTC  

Me too, gonna get more in the morning

2020-10-02 05:28:34 UTC  

My trading groups are preparing for a huge market sell off in the morning

2020-10-02 05:28:36 UTC  

Pence 2020 🇺🇸

2020-10-02 05:28:56 UTC  

Jokes on the economy, I have no stocks

2020-10-02 05:29:17 UTC  

Joes on the Economy, I have no money

2020-10-02 05:29:18 UTC  

mine are worth 10% of what they were <:atlast:758774926869004348>

2020-10-02 05:29:22 UTC

2020-10-02 05:29:30 UTC  


2020-10-02 05:29:36 UTC  

Perfect time to short though

2020-10-02 05:29:55 UTC  

We had better burn beijing to the fucking ground after this year is finally over

2020-10-02 05:30:19 UTC  

As long as I commandeer a liqour store when SHTF im not worried

2020-10-02 05:30:40 UTC  

why did you spell "weed" as "liqour"?

2020-10-02 05:30:47 UTC  

il use all the liqour I dont drink as molotov and medical

2020-10-02 05:30:48 UTC  

trump gonna have a personal vendetta after china

2020-10-02 05:30:55 UTC  

worst case scenario: president dies, and democrat states use this as pretext to enact even more brutal, unconstitutional lockdowns

2020-10-02 05:30:57 UTC  

why did you spell "femboys" as "weed"?

2020-10-02 05:31:11 UTC's personal <:autism:758872218276200478> <:glawck:758776705040121927>

2020-10-02 05:31:22 UTC  

4chan going nuts

2020-10-02 05:31:29 UTC  

step up jiggah <:glawck:758776705040121927> <:nuke:759193240246812682>

2020-10-02 05:31:47 UTC

2020-10-02 05:31:50 UTC  

It's an election year, /pol/ is going nuts because the actblue shills are in pure demoralization mode

2020-10-02 05:31:53 UTC  

>6th gen fighter first flight, little do they know, ITS OPPERATIONAL.

2020-10-02 05:32:24 UTC  

Wtf is an evergreen tweet

2020-10-02 05:32:33 UTC  


2020-10-02 05:32:38 UTC  

Hillary's code name is evergreen

2020-10-02 05:33:06 UTC  

Because that bitch refuses to die?

2020-10-02 05:33:30 UTC  

That's an official account.

2020-10-02 05:33:35 UTC

2020-10-02 05:33:39 UTC  

What the hell is going on

2020-10-02 05:33:43 UTC  

Fuck me

2020-10-02 05:33:51 UTC  

@based okay bend over