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2020-09-26 16:29:17 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #foobaw]

2020-09-26 16:29:42 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #foobaw]  

Who else ready for SEC football

2020-09-26 17:54:58 UTC [Third World Non-Glowie Club #general]  

@Der König des Meeres haven't tried to ping but I've been getting them

He's said on numerous occasions going back to 2016 election that tax code favors him

Not even close to news

Too bad Herman and his fair tax are gone

@SYLE I've enjoyed his pod

Starting with impeachment

I didn't like him but I blame that on media influence and his punchable face

@Secret Squirrel I was about to say that

I want Trump to buy Greenland

If the crazy climate alarmist are right it'll be the future

We should give them independence and never look back

I don't know why it was seen as crazy

It has to have massive resource stores

It will greatly depend on this election

All of the progressive programs are insanely expensive

I'm not sure how much they could actually get passed

But spending 100 trillion

I don't see how that doesn't fuck us

Fair tax was a pretty big movement in my college years

which is one of the better solutions to the complications of the current economy

I like it only taxed new products

and removed tax from components

essentially you're taxing new purchases

its been awhile but key points
*tax new purchases
*no tax on components to build something
*no income tax
*pretty sure there was a monthly stipend for groceries

you can eliminate the IRS

and you eliminate tax fraud

and tax criminals at the same time

this was big in 04 when i was studying politics in college

not saying it was perfect but had some good points to it

I'm an OG Ron Paul supporter

still waiting to find out whats in the fed

I will say it has been interesting watching the whole "if we help china be rich they'll turn into a democracy thing" crash and burn

cause i was fed that in my business, econ, and polisci classes

from right and leff

they fucked up on that bet

well it was predicated on them not being evil

its like an abusive marriage

they'll change

if we love them enough

I get it from an academic stand point, but politicians knew better and were just cashing in

or at least knew it was very unlikely

trust me i'm getting my PHD in education

i'm aware

Undergrad was Business, Econ, Pols

and I managed a hotel for a decade, then switch to teaching

academics have zero fucking clue about the real world

or very few of them do

Part being its literally impossible to get fired in the public education system

you have to like pull your dick out in the middle of class

that argument

now we're talking


precious resources

someones gotta press the button in the cold

i mean would anyone stop us if we just took it

theres only like 50k people there

its the same size as my county

which is the same size as an apartment building in NYC

theres literally no one there

we could probably take it over and itd be months before anyone knew

English hate them right

@SYLE my friend and I discussed it when all this was going down last year

lololol 1.8 billion GDP

so there's like 7k Danes there haha

or less i guess since it says other europeans

dig up Ronald and ask him

somtimes i think we ought to annex it since we deal with their shit all the time anyways

actually harvest some of those sweet sweet resources

and human capital

Bolton's comments were enough for me

much less the 20+ other people

he said if that were true he would've written an entire chapter in his book on it

which since Trump crushed his 20 year dream of war with Iran I know he would not have missed that opportunity

Probably same ones that found the tax returns

guys are everywhere

he HAS to go after Hunter

first thing

fuck him up

school opened back up at the beginning of this month, but I've been prepping since after the 4th

but i had no where to report to since march

been weird

My town didn't see much change

initial 2 weeks of scare in march then everyone was like whelp we'll go back to work now

don't blame you. one of the few benefits of being in education.

i would've been fucked in my prior career

damn thats shit

my old city is where the plant is located

when i was in hotels. they lost 1 billion in hospitality/F&B rev in march and april

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