Message from @stefanon

Discord ID: 494288604818964491

2018-09-25 23:15:37 UTC  

☝ ☝ ☝ ☝

2018-09-25 23:17:08 UTC  

☝ ☝

2018-09-25 23:17:15 UTC

2018-09-25 23:18:09 UTC

2018-09-25 23:20:31 UTC

2018-09-25 23:21:20 UTC  
2018-09-25 23:22:53 UTC

2018-09-25 23:23:20 UTC

2018-09-25 23:23:45 UTC  

Dems..standing at the gates of hell

2018-09-25 23:23:57 UTC  


2018-09-25 23:25:37 UTC

2018-09-25 23:26:26 UTC

2018-09-25 23:29:14 UTC  

You have gained a rank @WineMaker, you just advanced to 27 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-09-25 23:29:40 UTC  

Tom MacDonald - "Politically Incorrect

2018-09-25 23:33:31 UTC  

did you find out who that thot is ?? dm me if you do please !! when is this from ??

2018-09-25 23:36:53 UTC

Following the allegations made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò about the case of Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, many have called for official Vatican files on the former cardinal to be released. While this may seem like the easiest way of assessing the truth of Viganò’s claims, many of the documents in question could be protected by the “pontifical secret.” But what is that?

The pontifical secret, also sometimes called papal secrecy, is a rule of confidentiality protecting sensitive information regarding the governance of the universal Church. It is similar to the “classified” or “confidential” status common in companies or civil governments.

While the use of the English word “secret” in relation to Church documents and processes is often invoked dramatically, the term is actually taken from the Latin word “secreto,” which simply means “confidential.”

According to the “Secreta continere,” a canonical instruction issued by the Secretariat of State in 1974, those bound by the pontifical secret take an oath at the beginning of their service in the Curia or the diplomatic corps, promising to “in no way, under any pretext, whether of greater good, or of very urgent and very grave reason,” to break the secret.(edited)

2018-09-25 23:46:43 UTC  

Abromovich Aftermath..

2018-09-25 23:46:47 UTC