Message from @ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋

Discord ID: 508002751460933633

2018-11-02 19:32:38 UTC

2018-11-02 19:33:30 UTC

2018-11-02 19:34:18 UTC  

I dreamed of the Blue Jay then, and a rabbit

2018-11-02 19:34:23 UTC  

but SAW the sunbow

2018-11-02 19:34:26 UTC  


2018-11-02 19:36:04 UTC  

AND SAW a white rabbit

2018-11-02 19:36:26 UTC

2018-11-02 19:37:02 UTC

2018-11-02 19:37:56 UTC THERE COMING!🔴😎😎🔴😎🔴

2018-11-02 19:38:28 UTC  

@Jayde u like em tall. here is one for ya. 6'5" pro arm wrestler

2018-11-02 19:39:33 UTC

2018-11-02 19:40:19 UTC

2018-11-02 19:40:24 UTC  
2018-11-02 19:41:34 UTC  

Guy was my local hero.. tv program... Bowman Body

2018-11-02 19:41:37 UTC

2018-11-02 19:42:05 UTC  

Probably why I like the macabre

2018-11-02 19:42:09 UTC  

or horror really

2018-11-02 19:43:21 UTC  

@JonJon whew, 6'5''

2018-11-02 19:43:41 UTC  


2018-11-02 19:43:59 UTC

2018-11-02 19:44:08 UTC

2018-11-02 19:45:15 UTC  

Caravan No. 4 brings more migrants to border; others head home after warnings
About 2,000 have arrived at the Mexico-Guatemala border

Friday, November 2, 2018
A fourth migrant caravan made up of around 2,000 people has arrived at the Guatemalan side of Mexico’s southern border.

The migrants, mainly Salvadorans fleeing poverty and violence, plan to enter Mexico Monday via the same Chiapas border crossing where the other three caravans entered.

The group is mainly made up of young men but there are also smaller numbers of women, children and elderly people.

2018-11-02 19:45:35 UTC  

love you crazy Q frens

2018-11-02 19:45:35 UTC  

They are currently camping out in the central square of Tecún Umán, Guatemala, a small town directly across the Suchiate river from Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas.

Migrants’ spokesman Ramón Torres said yesterday that they rejected a proposal from Mexican authorities to enter Mexico in small groups in order to register with the National Immigration Institute (INM) and be taken to a shelter in Tapachula.

“That’s a strategy that the Mexican government is using to . . . break up the caravan. But they won’t be able to do it because we’re going to enter all together,” he said, without specifying if they planned to do so legally.

Once in Mexico, the fourth caravan is expected to wait for yet more migrants who are still traveling through Guatemala or have only just left El Salvador.

The first migrant caravan, made up of around 4,000 Central Americans, reached Matías Romero, Oaxaca, yesterday after failing to secure mass transportation to Mexico City.

2018-11-02 19:45:54 UTC  

off to Rally pre show

2018-11-02 19:45:55 UTC  

More than 500 children aged under 10 are suffering from respiratory illnesses, a Oaxaca human rights organization said.

The caravan was planning to travel via Veracruz but Governor Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares sought to dissuade the migrants by saying that state authorities would only offer security and not food or shelter.

“We can’t welcome a significant number of people. There are already migrants in Veracruz who have been here some time, the vast majority are asking for money in the street,” he said.

The second caravan, which clashed with Federal Police at the border last Sunday, is still in Chiapas.

Immigration officials and Federal Police detained and deported 160 members of the group Wednesday because they entered Mexico illegally.

The remaining members of the caravan, still numbering close to 2,000, are traveling today from Huixtla to Mapastepec.

The third caravan of around 450 Salvadoran migrants entered Mexico legally Tuesday and filed asylum requests with the INM. They are still in Tapachula awaiting immigration papers.

2018-11-02 19:46:18 UTC  

While most migrants remain determined to reach the United States’ southern border where they intend to request asylum, some have heeded warnings that danger awaits them and are heading home.

One migrant turning around is a Salvadoran man identified only as Raúl who has only traveled 250 kilometers from his home.

While on the road, Raúl received a call from his wife in El Salvador who told him that messages were circulating on WhatsApp chat groups — which were used to organize at least one caravan — saying that migrants are in danger of being killed as they travel through Mexico.

Criminal groups have long preyed on Central Americans transiting Mexico, forcing men into working for them and pushing women into prostitution. Those who refuse to cooperate run the risk of being killed.

Another potential danger awaits the migrants if they manage to cross Mexico and reach the United States.

U.S. President Trump said in a speech this week that migrants throwing rocks at U.S. forces will be treated as armed.

“They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. We’ll consider — and I told them — consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks like they did at the Mexico military and police, I say consider it a rifle.”

Raúl told the newspaper Milenio that in addition to the risks posed by traveling through Mexico, Trump’s threats had also influenced his decision to head home.

“It seems dangerous, people are saying that Trump is going to shoot us when we get to the border and I don’t want that, I want to work there, I don’t want to get shot,” he said.

2018-11-02 19:47:48 UTC  

The new trade deal is a goal for Mexico. The score: Mexico 1, Trump 0
The original agreement has been subjected to some minor changes to produce NAFTA 2.0

By Raoul Lowery Contreras
Monday, October 1, 2018
Mexicans have taken United States President Donald Trump to the cleaners on NAFTA, the newly agreed-to United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. That is what the president calls it instead of NAFTA 2.0, which it is.

Certainly there was some tinkering but stipulating higher North American content in imported vehicles from Mexico and Canada helps those countries more than it helps the U.S. Higher North American content, from 62.5% to 75%, is not a big deal. Canada, for example, makes far more parts than exportable automobiles.

Providing Trump-insisted-upon manufacturing caps on parts and autos themselves means little when those caps are far above current or projected sales of those items to U.S. customers. No matter what the caps are, small cars like Nissan’s Versa and Sentra will still be 100%manufactured in Mexico because of costs, costs that are too high in the U.S.

2018-11-02 19:48:07 UTC  

In reality it means that more foreign companies, like Michelin, will build larger factories in Mexico to supply the market in which nascent Chinese car makers now producing a handful of cars in Mexico.

We don’t know yet what the details of the new agreement are but we know that the Trump demand that a five-year “sunset” provision be used in the “new” agreement was junked by Mexico and Canada and didn’t survive the negotiations.

No savvy business person or analyst can figure exactly what Trump had in mind when he demanded a five-year “sunset” provision because no business executive in his or her right mind would ever consider such an onerous provision. Why? Because it takes more than a year to build a factory, for example, sometimes two or three.

Business planning, therefore, has to cover long periods of time; using a five-year measuring period simply does not work in business, in manufacturing especially.

BMW’s largest factory in the world is not in Germany, it is in South Carolina. Does President Trump think that the planning, construction and employee training of that factory (plus full-blast manufacturing) could be done in a short five-year period?