Message from @Arkansasmaga
Discord ID: 513123269734301698
Abrams and voting rights activists have argued for months that Kemp mismanaged the elections system as secretary of state, with Abrams often calling Kemp "an architect of suppression."
Under Georgia law, Abrams could file a challenge against Kemp or his successor as the secretary of state. The challenge must be filed within five days of certification in a trial court of the county where the chosen defendant resides. The defendant has between five and 10 days to respond, and the presiding judge sets a hearing within 20 days after that deadline, a calendar that could push a dispute well beyond what would have been a Dec. 4 runoff.
If the judge determines the election is so defective that it casts doubt on the results, the judge can declare the election invalid and call a new vote among the same candidates. Cox called that "the real extreme remedy."
A more "surgical" course, she said, would be to affirm irregularities but only order that certified results be reopened and recertified once those problems are remedied. The judge could then declare a winner or order a runoff if the results are close enough.
The judge could also declare a winner after hearing the evidence, but Cox said that's unlikely because the case will probably hinge on uncounted votes and there's no way to know before a count which candidate won those votes.
Once the judge rules, the loser has 10 days to appeal to the Georgia Supreme Court.
UPDATE: Clear Creed ISD gives all-clear; lockout at Clear Lake Intermediate and lockdowns at nearby schools are lifted; HPD says search is over; no suspicious person was found.
(Raw feed, no sound)
CLEAR LAKE, Texas -- Reports of a suspicious person near Clear Lake Intermediate caused some tense moments for students, staff and parents Friday morning.
But after a search by Houston police, Precinct 8 and Galveston County deputies, the all-clear was given by the Clear Creek Independent School District.
It all started when a witness reported seeing someone in all black clothing who was possibly carrying a gun near the Clear Lake Intermediate School campus, according to Precinct 8.
After an extensive search by several agencies, the search was called off.
"The male was not located and no further information about his identity has been obtained," said Chief Deputy Jason Finnen with Precinct 8. "Only one witness has been located who claims to have seen a gun."
The lockout at Clear Lake Intermediate has been lifted, along with lockdowns at Ward Elementary, Clear Lake Elementary, Falcon Pass Elementary, Armand Bayou Elementary and Space Center Intermediate.
HPD said their units would remain in the area, as a precaution.
Laredo CBP Officers Deployed To California - - #California #CARAVAN #DEPLOYED #Laredo #MIGRANT #Webb
President Trump won again. The media now will have rules to follow or lose their press pass. They screwed each other.
Any of the Presidents staff that is treated with disrespect can walk out of press conference. There you go liberals. Take that.
Learn little children some respect.
We do not tolerate spoiled brats that pretend to be journalist. If you are rude you are gone or we walk away from you.
Mr. President just walk away from rude people. We support you. You do not have to tolerate that behavior.
Hello all. I'm Swedish. A short take from my side of the waters in the form of a spontaneous poem.
Faith is light, fear is darkness..
The lands were slowly sent into darkness..
By the dark forces..
Slowly chipping away..
One chip at a time..
Then a righteous man appeared...
An unlikely event happened..
The man wanted to make US whole and again..
The man wanted to light the beacon of freedom again..
Standing alone inside the pool of darkness..
He has the light of faith inside him..
Such a small light in the vast darkness..
The light of faith shining inside stronger than the surrounding darkness..
The man's name is Mr Trump..
His will of iron..
His light pure..
The light spread around him..
The people recognized it and saw it..
The people responded as they are too of the light..
Standing with him the people discovered theie purpose again...
Standing with him they re-ignited the faith again..
Standing together they overcame the darkness...
..and again light is shining brightly..
Thank you from a Swedish man. God Bless.. š