Message from @**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨**

Discord ID: 514170848165232650

2018-11-19 18:53:00 UTC  

DiGenova Goes Full Scorched Earth On Goodlatte, Ryan, Rosenstein: ‘An Embarrassing Joke To The Republican Party’

2018-11-19 18:55:04 UTC

2018-11-19 18:59:33 UTC  

perma banned

2018-11-19 19:10:47 UTC  

Drop 1628 June 28, 2018. Why is JA back in the news? Peas and carrots hatch date.

2018-11-19 19:20:50 UTC

2018-11-19 19:31:52 UTC  

mmmmm ⚡ ⚡ 🤔 See you tomorrow old friend
‏ @RealEyeTheSpy
45m 1e8e42b87a65326b98ced7d3af717a72 639bae9ac6b3e1a84cebb7b403297b79 c23946c050885b2de6860f47f2bf6787 149603e6c03516362a8da23f624db945 3af00c6cad11f7ab5db4467b66ce503e See you tomorrow old friend
‏ @RealEyeTheSpy

2018-11-19 19:55:38 UTC

2018-11-19 20:11:23 UTC  

Theresa May is “planning to engineer a FINANCIAL CRASH” to blackmail MPs into voting for her Brexit deal
The Conservative government are plotting to “engineer a financial crash” in order to “terrify” Members of Parliament into voting for Theresa May’s increasingly unpopular proposed Brexit withdrawal agreement, it has been claimed.
The incredible Tory plot, which would almost certainly result in thousands of Brits losing their jobs, was leaked following the release of Theresa May’s draft Brexit plan.
After publishing the draft Brexit document last week, Theresa May’s position as Prime Minister is now hanging on a knife edge, with a vote of no confidence against her leadership now looking increasingly likely.
Read More:…

2018-11-19 20:21:15 UTC

Both need to be pardoned, because peas and carrots go together. Peas is a popcorn green skinned loud planefag. Nod to Anons? And carrots? Orange skinned, loves Elvis, strong and confident...nod to POTUS ? Anons and POTUS work well together. Both need to be pardoned. Notice the hatch dates. June 28th 2018? Q asked us on that date why is JA back in the news?

2018-11-19 20:23:34 UTC

2018-11-19 20:26:31 UTC  

Thank you Mr. President for having our military on the border and placing razor wire to protect us from invaders.

2018-11-19 20:28:17 UTC  

Thank you Mr. President for fighting our enemies foreign and domestic. The domestic enemies need to be brought down soon.

2018-11-19 20:33:28 UTC

2018-11-19 20:39:03 UTC

2018-11-19 20:47:56 UTC

Not just 1,000 but actually 5,000+ current with 5,000 more expected to arrive