Message from @Froge
Discord ID: 758916391964639283
You got so much anger that you need to pipe that into something else, or you'll get yourself in final trouble
And im actually a big fucking softy most of the time
But that tiny bit is a nuke
Your girl needs to be a healthy amount of scared of you IMO just gotta find the right balance
Yeah not like this
I wish she still was my girl
She was amazing
Between -10 and 10 this is 726295
I remember the second we met
It was like time stopped
And I only saw her
100 plus people abound
And i saw her
I still feel that way about my ex. I tried killing myself a bunch of times after he left
I remember the first thing I said
lol don't laugh
I said
"Damn girl all this beauty in texas and I can smell it coming from u"
You probably shouldn't, remember. I knew a girl i would have given the moon to but it was one sided, and i cant think about it whitout physical pain, so I don't
That's a pretty cheesy line lol
It was bad i kbow lol
Worked tho
@Froge you felt the physical pain too? im not just crazy??
I feel physical pain tbh
And not even from her
Have you tried getting into sports
Like martial arts, MMA, or music, doesnt matter what, anything to unbottle that anger
my first gf
Yeah physical cringing and pain
for a few months i would get waken up by this feeling like my chest was in a vice grip and the only reason i didn't blow my brains out to stop it is i didn't think a .22 would do the job
Women could never understand
after a while it turned into the anger like ricky is talking about but when i realized it was just me being mad at myself i went to therapy and calmed down a bit
i still feel a little bit of it and come here to watch protestors get the shit beat out of them and cope
God imgur is a faggot
Straight up
Worst image hosting site
I ripped a door off this shit