Message from @Coach Clay
Discord ID: 436723635344900097
Captured by US Backed forces ....
It appears that at least some CIA black site prison's are being shut down. I noticed this part of an article about the new head of Guantanamo " The Pentagon also has asked Congress for $69 million to build a new Top Secret prison for 15 captives who were previously held in the CIA's secret prison network, the Black Sites."
Read more here:
Classified National Security Information
You have gained a rank @TJMolonLabe, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Another slush fund shut down, Wells Fargo was using the fake accounts to funnel money Clinton and DNC Campaigns
@XarOz1913 Oh that sign is a funny one. Clever.
How is everyone tonight?
You have gained a rank @Coach Clay, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@D3M0_Anon - Just so you know, I wrote 3 books on Mind Control and Nanotechnology behind it all... it is AI and put in play around 1970's...
You have gained a rank @KewlHand, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
dm me some links
I got back on Discord after logging off accidentally and came back on to get back in Discord... but unfortunately all my shared links are on another server... I was ClassicHand#5959... and I was a Level20 Expert researcher... I need help to get back to my folder #suppressed-tech in the other server...
no rush
It was my entire 43 year career of research I had in that folder
@D3M0_Anon Nice pic kek