
Discord ID: 435607461504745475

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Go here and read up on where fetal stem cell tissue goes to

@Reluctantguru - here I am

There won't be mid-terms... by the time POTUS indicts over 25,000 politicians with a Tribunal...

Seems to me the old Dems and Rep's has met a new leader... by Constitutional Rights...

Disinformation is key for the game to end...

It is called Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Here is the Patent that was leaked to FB, YT and Twitter...

Here is the Patent that controls everything with G5 wireless capable... and HRC's Law firm owns it...

And this one operates the $16 Trillion Patent...

Try researching this website for where abortions go to and for what purpose..

4000 treated in 20 years... at $20k a pop = $$$$$

I just proof read the 2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United
States, Executive Order by POTUS... The Tribunals are sealed and under no way will they be let out to the Public until each and every case has been decided on, closed or settled with.. THAT MEANS TRUMP HAS THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO MAINTAIN HIS LEGAL OFFICE AND POWER... PERIOD!

@D3M0_Anon - Just so you know, I wrote 3 books on Mind Control and Nanotechnology behind it all... it is AI and put in play around 1970's...

I got back on Discord after logging off accidentally and came back on to get back in Discord... but unfortunately all my shared links are on another server... I was ClassicHand#5959... and I was a Level20 Expert researcher... I need help to get back to my folder #suppressed-tech in the other server...

It was my entire 43 year career of research I had in that folder

The server host Rudy has yet to get back to me... and my MacBook was hacked and subsequently fried for good at first, but once Rudy contacts me and invites me to the server, I can get it all from that folder... because I had him set the folder to be just for my posts... you can look but not add or share it...

I am running off of my wifes Windows 10 OS and it really sucks...LOL

I had 2step auth before and somehow turned it off... can't get back in with my original username... and I tried like hell too

I need an Invite from the host Rudy on Rudyland

I joined Discord when Discord only had about 1000 members...

My list came from 43 years of research on Mind Control... but the EO is the just been signed one regarding Court Martials etc...

Anybody have an Invite to Rudyland for me?

@Keybroad - You are correct about it being a Date Palm

@Thumper - can you get Rudy from Rudyland to send me an invite?

I had to re-join Discord when I logged off Rudyland and can't get back.... I accidentally turned off 2 stepA


I do not know about issues but U had 4 months of research on that server and cannot get it back... the folder was protected

I have been disabled on YT Live Stream chat??? What gives people?


My mouse has been disabled.... had a Microsoft Virus attack warning... when I clicked on HRC link from Q Post

My Defender Program ran a scan and found nothing too

I used to be a Level 20 Expert Researcher before I had to get back on Discord... and I find out y'all had issues with Rudy and now I am having issues

It came from HRC's Health Org website

Very skilled hacker

But I got Live Stream Chat open again

It was a hacker copying Microsoft Edge trying to steal my info and so on... I am an expert hacker catcher for 25 years... but I got it

I gave a scan when I first got on Discord when I got hacked on a Mac... first time ever got hacked in 15 years... and it crashed the Mac and fried it

I can't do anymore... lost all my research on 8 years

I had one too... lost it long ago as well

In Discord and the split up... it is the AI doing it to everyone

I do that too

Been here in Discord since January... staying behind the curtain...LOL

Soapbox Live stream is talking about Mind Control NOW!!! I wrote 3 books about it and know what they are talking about... Dr Corsi answered my email and says "Iโ€™m beginning to get the picture.
Who controls the patents today that make the Internet work?
It looks like these AI patents are being grabbed by HRC (Deep State) to control the 5G Internet that is in the works."
Jerome Corsi

Look up on Amazon... Incident at Fort Polk... and... TI versus AI...

Part of the AI using resources

I was 'Rambochipped" from Army experiment in 1976

They call them Super Soldiers in todays Army

Time Travel and Stargates

I am in a different Dimension... 2 day ahead of this one

I wrote about it in my books... March 14, 1976... was a Friday!!!

Go look at the Calendar now!!!

The date... March 14, 1976.... what day is it on?

So I am in a Dimension 2 days prior to that date!

My mission was to write a book... publish it... tell everyone that it will be "takendown" (I wrote it in the book) and that will save humanity from extinction

The Incident at Fort Polk happened exactly as I wrote about it... it was a Friday in my timeline

@mtnmama - go read my books about the real threat my dear... I chat with Dr Corsi by email, and his last reply gave him what it is Q team is trying to tell him... it is the Patents owned by HRC's Law Firm and the opposition helping them do that... FB, YT and Twitter...etc...

The mother of all Patents... look at the bottom left of the link and there are over 600+ Patents listed that it has under it

The Patent controlling FB, YT and Twitter-

Hydrocholoric acid

For all that want to know WTF is going on, try reading my books... Incident at Fort Polk... The Pink Mile... and TI versus AI... and you can find book 1 and 3 on Amazon... I wrote about the "Threat against Humanity" years ago... mentioned 'We the People' in About The Author page of book 1... and the Patents on Mind Control in book 3...

Here are early Patents on Facebook

And this one is FB, YT, and many more mainstream chat rooms...

And over 155 more Patents at the very right bottom of each Patent I post..

My last interview with Kerry Cassidy on March 9...

Bio-Molecular Resonance Generator archive

The only website showing my ex-commander of the 5th Inf Div, 7th Combat Engineers unit that I was assigned to in 1976... Lt Col Wayne B Davis... was the Army Science Department Top Dog... after he retired... all of his records have been removed from existence..

Social Networking Patent... owned by HRC's Law Firm news...

Stem Cell of America website... for the rich who want to live long and healthy without taking drugs with one visit...

Archive website of Stephen J Smith... who was murdered after publishing the Bio-Molecular Resonance Generator (Star Trek TriCorder device)..

A refresher link for Fakebook and Deep State people who are Deep State for sure..

@belliferous You are very welcome

I used to be an Expert Level 20 Researcher until I logged off Discord and could not get back in with my original user name ClassicHand#5959

Stephen J Smith was a brilliant scientist... and George Soros stole his research and claimed the Patent on the Bio-Magnetic Resonance Generator

So I stopped loading all of my 40 years of websites and research now that I lost status... and my MacBook Pro was hacked...crashed... and it is no longer usable... bummer too

My entire college education was on that Mac

I had a 3.88 GPA

at 57 years old

now I am 63

More disinformation campaign above

I have back up... on TimeMachine... but I need a new Mac to load it on

I need $800 to buy my brother in laws Mac he got somewhere


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