Message from @MrBigly
Discord ID: 444198169165824011
Nice with him being on his suppiosed deathbed/suicide watch that he spills everything .....not a good move John Boy.
Deathbed my rear... escape...out of all the players... he is the worst actor ever... not even worthy of b level horror flicks...
Jumping around yelling look at me! I'm dying over here!!!
@Deleted User are those Q-nips?
was a little concerned as even snowden and are talking about it on twitter, looked into it, some report about torture back in bush days called Durham report ! he was brought in by Eric Holder i didn't bother looking any further
John Durham is a low-profile professional thrust into a decidedly high-profile assignment. The press-shy Connecticut prosecutor was tapped by Attorney General Eric Holder on Aug. 24 to investigate alleged mistreatment of terror suspects by CIA interrogators and contractors. His appointment came on the heels of a newly released Justice Department report indicating interrogators abused prisoners by, among other things, threatening to kill one man's family and choking another man to the point of unconsciousness. Durham, 59, is no stranger to top-level governmental investigations. In 1999 he was selected by Attorney General Janet Reno to probe law-enforcement corruption in Boston. Last year he was named by Attorney General Michael Mukasey to head the ongoing investigation into the destruction of CIA interrogation videotapes. Colleagues say Durham is thorough and cautious in deciding whether a case deserves to be prosecuted. But once he fixes on a target, the veteran lawyer usually catches his prey.
You have gained a rank @MegonAgitu, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@MegonAgitu Oh, yeah. It was a tragedy. Just happened out of the blue.
This might be a triggering video for some DJT fans
Five Most Wanted leaders of ISIS just captured!
Is Obama one of those ISIS captured?
don't know if you guys have already seen this ..I JUST COPIED THIS FROM A SKYPE ROOM Date: May 9, 2018 at 7:01:54 PM CDTSubject: Trump Just Ended Obama's Vacation Scam.Trump Just Ended Obama’s Vacation Scam.He was going to stick us for $2.1 billion or so.Before Obama left office, he arranged with the State Department for aseries of “official visits” to foreign countries, spanning the next 20years.Using discretionary funds from the Office of Presidential Visits and Vacations,Obama was able to weasel what would have been another $2.1 billion infree vacations for him and up to 24 members of his family plus staffand a dog sitter until the year 2036.He would have, that is, had he not lost his office to Donald Trump.Trump, who is always looking for ways to save money, was having theoffice used for vacations repainted when he was presented with aledger that contained all of the Obama travel plans and expenses.The ledger was found by one of the workers Trump hired from outsidethe typical White House staff to make alterations.Trump immediately canceled the plans and recalled all Secret Serviceagents scheduled to protect the Obamas anywhere outside of the UnitedStatesThe Obamas are also facing another new challenge at the hands of Trump.They’re going to have to repay the government for all of thosevacations that weren’t official state business.The bill, after some small allowances, for days that were possiblywork related, is for $214 million.Of the 692 days the Obamas spent on vacation, almost none included anywork at all. They ate, slept and golfed and Michelle was givenshopping allowances from the Office of Discretionary Gifting Funds,which is supposed to be used to buy presents for visiting dignitaries.It’s just one scandal after another with these people.Share this.Keep draining the swamp, President Trump.Most Americans do appreciate it!
anons got the 5 names yet?
@foilhat aren't they the ones with no name from Q post 1092
That is a logical conclusion ... but I haven't seen a report on 'whom' they have recently detained
I would love to re-use that pic 😛 We’re on the verge of new technological revolutions that could improve virtually every aspect of our lives, create vast new wealth for American workers and families, and open up bold, new frontiers in science, medicine, and communication. President Donald J. Trump Infrastructure & Technology Issued on: May 10, 2018
names them all
oooh nice @Jetsgirl/Lacey
not this pic i reckon