Discord ID: 423704825033654292
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hey is 8chan down?
hmm not working for me. I get an error message saying this site is not secure
ok Ill reboot and try again thnx
ok I rebooted and tried again and I get the same error message
I figured it out thanks
I think Dr Corsi is elderly and has been in this for a while. I dont blame him for getting riled up about not seeing things getting done. I do not believe he deliberately gives misinformation . I actually think its funny when he says he wants to duke it out with someone. I just cant picture it lol
Im sorry but at what point did we start believing anything that comes fro a Rockefeller
@Genie West Im right there with ya on that
@Sol-Rad-Man I agree. The deep state wants to divide Patriots. Together we are strong and they fear that. Kick em outta here I say
@Deleted User why dont you just remove yourself from here if you do not support the cause. Seems to me like you are on the side of the dems
@Deleted User that's probably a good idea.
god bless you too
@Deleted User I'm not saying don't have your opinion but info on the things that truly matter are welcomed. Trying to cause division isn't good.
@Abigail I so relate to you. If I think about it too much it frightens me. I know a lot but I know there is so much more I dont know. We need to tell as many as we can as quickly as we can. I feel the reason whey there havent been arrests that we can see of the key clowns is because we the people will need military protection once it gets out and there is too much going on in the world that has our military busy right now. Can you imagine when this gets out.....the vagina hat wearing, social justice warriors will be even worse than what they were when President Trump was elected.
@Abigail love me some Roseanne lol My son just graduated from Penn State and some of the things he would tell me about the things that go on. They sure push that left agenda. I'm just glad that my kids were raised in church and have that foundation because everything in college leans to or caters to the Muslim agenda. And that is the plan of the deep state complete infiltration the US.
@Agent 34 our churches don't even teach about hell anymore in the US. Most are the seeker sensitive kind they are too afraid to offend. Its all about the numbers and money to most churchs
@Genie West yes WWG1WGA fast forward to 2:0611 The presidents speech at the NRA
I refreshed my qpost screen and now everything is gone di you guys archive
s@Dani Clarke if you are talking about Alison she looks empty ad scared
@Agent 34 dont say that lol
I was given this today after tweeting on Dr Corsi's twitter acct . how much I appreciate his input on all that is going on. Not trying to divide just putting out the info
don't know if you guys have already seen this ..I JUST COPIED THIS FROM A SKYPE ROOM Date: May 9, 2018 at 7:01:54 PM CDTSubject: Trump Just Ended Obama's Vacation Scam.Trump Just Ended Obamaโs Vacation Scam.He was going to stick us for $2.1 billion or so.Before Obama left office, he arranged with the State Department for aseries of โofficial visitsโ to foreign countries, spanning the next 20years.Using discretionary funds from the Office of Presidential Visits and Vacations,Obama was able to weasel what would have been another $2.1 billion infree vacations for him and up to 24 members of his family plus staffand a dog sitter until the year 2036.He would have, that is, had he not lost his office to Donald Trump.Trump, who is always looking for ways to save money, was having theoffice used for vacations repainted when he was presented with aledger that contained all of the Obama travel plans and expenses.The ledger was found by one of the workers Trump hired from outsidethe typical White House staff to make alterations.Trump immediately canceled the plans and recalled all Secret Serviceagents scheduled to protect the Obamas anywhere outside of the UnitedStatesThe Obamas are also facing another new challenge at the hands of Trump.Theyโre going to have to repay the government for all of thosevacations that werenโt official state business.The bill, after some small allowances, for days that were possiblywork related, is for $214 million.Of the 692 days the Obamas spent on vacation, almost none included anywork at all. They ate, slept and golfed and Michelle was givenshopping allowances from the Office of Discretionary Gifting Funds,which is supposed to be used to buy presents for visiting dignitaries.Itโs just one scandal after another with these people.Share this.Keep draining the swamp, President Trump.Most Americans do appreciate it!
@foilhat aren't they the ones with no name from Q post 1092
names them all
5 captured Isis leaders Saddam al-Jammel, Mohamed al-Qadeer, Ismail al-Eithawi, Omar al-Karbouli and Essam al-Zawbai
@foilhat that pic is of the emergency task force they are calling the ones captured Isis Commanders
but Russia is against us according to the MSM
Hey guys. Is there a link for people to get invited to this discord
@Binary Agent Ok I'll message one of them thnx
@สษชษดแดสส แดษขแดษดแด๐๐ฆ. Thank you
@TJMolonLabe the Joan Rivers YouTube makes me sad. You know that's why she died...she outed the Obummers.
@gatormon66 that is interesting Did EBT ever go back up?
@gatormon66 I detect something highly suspect there
@gatormon66. Doesn't that reak of something that the deep state would do?
@BOHICA#tyre that explains Q post 1337. Thank you
I got this from an anon on the Abel Danger discord they said if you show this video down to .25 look in the top right corner
I'll post it in YouTube vids to watch as well
@gatormon66 I love praying medic. He makes a lot of sense
@gatormon66 yes extremely calm head not to mention a believer in Christ
@GotPeace/Saltyheart 44 was a disgrace and a disaster
@wackybigd so do I
@deannam yes it does
@deannam yes we all need to stay focused
@GotPeace/Saltyheart nice article
@deannam nothing surprises me anymore
@deannam well, hello ๐
@deannam amen sister
@deannam wooohoo
@happyjack do you have insite?
@deannam just got on in the middle of Pam reading the article and that is what they have been on since
so no
@happyjack I think you may have something there
@deannam decoding now with yesterdays posts
Check out @LauraLoomerโs Tweet:
@silowetr who knows after the GCR might be more than you think
@deannam good morning
@deannam thanks got it from MeWe lol
@Deleted User am ireading Teacakes drop as Alex Jones is the owner of Stratfor?
@anonArthur I FREAKIN love this video!!!!!
@anonArthur makes me almost cry not only from pride from this President and country but to think of what if she had won
@Deleted User This among other things is why Alex sent Corsi to divide Patriots...potential loss of money due to popularity of other up and coming alternative news channels outlets and the truth about who he really is
@VTX_DRIVER can you imagine if he lost viewers his sales of products he pushes would drop drastically. He has everyone that reports for him push his products during their time slot smh
@Lothahnus Im with you on that
@Lothahnus me neither but the truth ALWAYS comes out
for sure
@anonArthur I didnt notice until he went on his rant back in January basically turning his back on our President. That is when I stopped watching him.
@MegonAgitu this is what I found Check out @realDonaldTrumpโs Tweet:
posted 15hrs ago
@anonArthur I agree as well as he is always tooting his own horn as if he made Trumps campaign and got him elected
well gotta work bbl everyone be blessed today
I know right
15hrs ago
may 11 4:44pm
oh got ya
Check out @realDonaldTrumpโs Tweet:
that one was march 14 3:36pm thats as far back as I can go
@Sara I was just at that airport and that horse is creepy. My God mother lives there and says they call that horse blucifer . Its eyes glow red its even more creepy at night. The people of Denver were pissed that it was built so far out in the middle of no where.
@MrBigly Kay Griggs is how I was woken up. Watching her interviews caused me to dig thatg was 5 years ago
@Qalico (CAN) AMEN ๐ for that to happen
@Derik aka Indy News I agree 100%. Dont forget about the struggling middle class
any Californians on right now?
@Derik aka Indy News I havent seen a change in my paycheck.
@Derik aka Indy News oh yes indeed. We are heavily taxed. Im praying Travis Allen is our next Gov. If Gavin Newsom gets in we are screwed just like if Killary had gotten in. If that happens Im outta here
@retiredDep ugh they are everywhere lol
@retiredDep I have no idea where Im going but I just cant stay here any longer the liberalism is sickening
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