Message from @Badgergirl
Discord ID: 444879085412548618
Facebook's Building 8 working on telepathic 'communication platform of the future' - Business Insider Dear God in heaven!
@deannam good morning
@Jetsgirl/Lacey jet good morning! Great meme!!!
Here is the link shared by Tea Cakes on 24/7 live
@deannam thanks got it from MeWe lol
Anybody need a little motivation this Saturday morning? Put it on... turn it up... GET DIGGING!!!
@Deleted User am ireading Teacakes drop as Alex Jones is the owner of Stratfor?
You have gained a rank @Jetsgirl/Lacey, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@anonArthur I FREAKIN love this video!!!!!
@Jetsgirl/Lacey it has become an earworm for me... seems to always be playin in the back of my head.
His name is Seth Rich:
@anonArthur makes me almost cry not only from pride from this President and country but to think of what if she had won
The FBI’s Shocking Disrespect for Congress
When I was at the bureau, lawmakers’ requests for information got prompt responses.
By Thomas J. Baker
May 10, 2018 6:53 p.m. ET---(WSJ behind subscription wall)
@Deleted User This among other things is why Alex sent Corsi to divide Patriots...potential loss of money due to popularity of other up and coming alternative news channels outlets and the truth about who he really is
if you have not read this do so. This is why we are here.📁
@Jetsgirl/Lacey Watching the AJ show from yesterday makes me think that there is alot of truth to that.
I think I will not be wathing AJ or Corsi again
not with the intention of learning anything about the truth from them anyway
@VTX_DRIVER can you imagine if he lost viewers his sales of products he pushes would drop drastically. He has everyone that reports for him push his products during their time slot smh
Praying Medic Update on Q, May 11:
@Lothahnus Im with you on that
Q posted many times to be careful you you are following/watching. i just didnt think he meant corsi was one of them
@Lothahnus me neither but the truth ALWAYS comes out
ignorance is bliss but i would rather know the truth
for sure
would be nice if we knew with 100% certainty who to trust
I've been digging since I got out of high school in the 80s' alex was a breath of fresh air when he started... this was a lonely arena... it was evident something was off after the election... for a while I attributed it to him not able to handle winning... but he got so bad I turned him off. Very clear now why I started to get that feeling...
My path is truth...all are welcome to walk with me on this quest...but if your path deviates... remember...I no longer walk alone, I am surrounded by patriots.
I watched some of AJ & got to admit that they had an interesting way to spin the hijack of Q, right before the "be careful who you follow" Q posts and their incredible sources and supposed inside info LOL
I Have been here helping my kids remodel their new house they just bought. Found some old newspapers in the attic.Very interesting. Here are some clips… Also I decided to go to President Trump’s Twitter profile and find his very first post. Twitter shows nothing past the first of the year. Can someone please check on a regular PC and see if you can get past that? I am curious to see if that Twitter is deleting our past.