Message from @Rebel_Angel
Discord ID: 459883818174644245
Hillary in Ireland today
ass Bag
Ty love. I will @Sparks2591
Wonder if she's llookin' for Grand Torino?
I'd rather see her in gitmo
GT! DUCK< Cousin!
What you believe about yourself, you will see in the world. As above so below. these people know this and that's why they want people in fear and doubt. If we stopped buying into the illusion that certain people have "Authority" and other don't, the system of control would collapse overnight.
You have gained a rank @SureSean, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Oh wow @Sparks2591 !!!!! Crazy!
@Becca Maga is she in ireland? she needs to get the fuck out of my country
@Axiom.moixađ howdy
Hey boiiii
if i say or do something to offend plz let me know am tired of gettin banned with no explanation hi y'all
Hey! @Deleted User What's up!!
@Deleted User : How DARE you??? I'm STARVING now. All I had was a hotdog!! đ