Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 462980564744405002
@Sabrina W sorry it took so long to get back to. Just saw your message. If you’re referring to the Toronto shooting, see following article.
Smoke Dawg: Canadian rapper reportedly killed after shooting in Toronto | The Independent
Check out @Thomas1774Paine’s Tweet:
@Ladyhawktlc thank you listening and sharing on fb
You have gained a rank @MusashiDan, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Graham on Roe v. Wade: 'You don’t overturn precedent unless there’s a good reason' | TheHill
Stop weaponizing free speech guys 🤣 it’s so weird and insane.
@**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** Never likes these books. Now I know why.
I doubt the president can even acknowledge Q in any meaningful way. The job is not done and then the disinformation will go into rash lunatic driven overdrive. I admit I could be totally wrong. I was wrong once.
Check out @michaelmeans49’s Tweet:
Don’t believe ANYTHING about NK unless it comes from the WH. The Leftist’ worst nightmare is no wars.
Bolton: Trump will address election meddling with Putin | TheHill
the articles claiming north korea is still doing nuclear stuff, are all talking about a nuclear reactor, its not secret and its not missiles, definitely fake news to worry about it.,
@Deleted User
Check out @ABQDaddyNewMexi’s Tweet:
The face you make when your narrative falls apart @Deleted User
Red Terror: Alt-Left Antifa Extremists Brag About Vicious Attack On British Identitarian Leader | Breitbart Red Terror: Alt-Left Antifa Extremists Brag About Vicious Attack On UK Identitarian Leader
We need to allow farmers to grow hemp in this country if for no other reason than all hemp seeds you buy are from Canada and toxic countries.
Michael Moore went trans
I eat hemp seeds everyday and it makes me angry it’s grown in Canada. Let farmers grow it here!
Less soy farming, more hemp.
Maria Bartiromo interview with POTUS Airing now on FOX😁
London fears losing 'market' and 'influence' if Trump makes 'peace' with 'boogeyman' Russia
UK as a country is not our friend when it comes to intelligence info from what I find.
Sen. Tim Scott calls race discussion with Trump 'painful,' 'uncomfortable,' but 'hopeful' - CNNPolitics