Message from @V77
Discord ID: 463387073965981714
That is globalist utopia
Union of the earth 😳
The guy thinks the solution is globle----join hands to resolve all the problems
That is the reason I mute him
🐏 🤜 🕳
here we go
I agree @qsmxpilot ❤
Hopefully when this globalist bs is all over we get the chance ti fix Fukushima
Is this just me I do not like being lecture to
it can be difficult especially for some, to know how to make a soapbox moment sound like a speech rather then a lecture, try not to hold it against them
Constitutional republic
Showing 3:45 PM as the start time...
We are all gonna die
Oh boy he has a wingman
I know. Just no one world government by this guy. 🤣
Unfortunately we all are going to die from something sometime
Conservative Tribune: Antifa Punk’s Baton Is No Match for ‘Patriot Prayer’ Guy’s Self-Defense Training Saturday
Can we have a room for this?
I'm all for it.
I won't reply
why dont you start your plan in your own country. you have allot of problems there