Message from @Muddy&Wolf
Discord ID: 597588411355889664
Scripture and Comment for Saturday, July 6
Remember . . . your Grand Creator
in the days of your youth.
—Eccl. 12:1.
Some parents have concluded
that it would be best for their son
or daughter to delay baptism in order first to obtain some advanced
education and become secure in a
career. Such reasoning may be wellintentioned, but will it help their
child to achieve genuine success?
More important, is it in harmony
with the Scriptures? It is important to remember that this world
and all its components are opposed
to Jehovah’s interests and thinking.
(Jas. 4:7, 8; 1 John 2:15-17; 5:19) A
close relationship with Jehovah is a
child’s best defense against Satan,
his world, and its ungodly thinking.
For a parent to place high priority
on secular pursuits could confuse
a child and jeopardize his best interests. Would loving Christian parents really want this world to shape
their child’s view of success? The
fact is, we find true joy and success
only when we give Jehovah first
place in our lives.—Ps. 1:2, 3. w18.03
10-11 ˚10-11
Sunday word for the day - w/comment
[Seek] first the Kingdom and his
righteousness.—Matt. 6:33.
Many have found that living a
simple life not only makes them
happier but also gives them more
time to serve Jehovah. Jack sold
his large home and business because he knew that doing so would
make it possible for him to pioneer with his wife. He reflects: “For
years, I would come home frustrated because of problems at work.
My wife, a regular pioneer, was always so happy. She would say, ‘I
have the greatest boss ever!’ Now
that I too am pioneering, we both
work for the same Person, Jehovah.” To analyze our view of money,
we might honestly consider how we
would answer these questions: ‘Do
I really believe and live in harmony with what the Bible says about
money? Does making money come
first in my life? Do I value material things more than my relationship
with Jehovah and with people? Do I
really trust in Jehovah to care for
my needs?’ We can be sure that he
will never disappoint those hoping
in him. w18.01 25 ˚12-13
@everyone prayer and fellowship tonight chapel voice at: 5 pm pacific / 7pm central / 8pm eastern. All welcome
Hey fellow Warriors of Prayer 🙏, I don’t think that I’m going to make tonight’s prayer.
me too.awesome is one
Mirror. The converse of...
Thank you
Is this the verse that says those who lie in wait to take a life are justly punished by death?
Thank you so much, everyone.Have a blessed evening. Oh, this is soo interesting. Must go...
The Fall
Amen & amen.
Sorry I can't join you tonight, my son & grandson is here but please continue to pray for my daughter & her family.
@Miss Kathy See ya.
Happy Birthday @Sara!!!
Another sermon segment - I said, "What is it brother?" And he said, "Here is what you said," and it's true, "The minority, how a little group is going to be saved in the days of Coming." And we talked of how Jesus said, "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that'll find it." Now notice, the Bible said, "As it was in the days of Noah, wherein eight souls were saved by water, so shall it be in the Coming."
I said, "Brother you just got half the picture."
Yet, Noah was a type of the remnant that's carried over, not the translated bunch. Enoch, one man went in the rapture before the flood came, showing that the Bride does not go into the tribulation or anything around it. Enoch was translated, one man.
Where are you texten, lol @Sara
said: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and
pick up his torture stake and keep
following me.” (Matt. 16:24) Clearly, discipleship—including dedication and baptism—is an obligation
for you as a Christian. Yet, it opens
the door to countless blessings now
and to everlasting life in God’s new
world. You have every reason, then,
to keep working out your own salvation!