Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 507016672436027392

2018-10-30 17:46:03 UTC  

But what I was getting at...

2018-10-30 17:46:30 UTC  

Is that rural regions tend to have less interactions with a variety of backgrounds, and thus, be more conservative

2018-10-30 17:46:59 UTC  

It's environmental, not some innate birth trait

2018-10-30 17:48:36 UTC  

chutup liberal

2018-10-30 18:29:38 UTC  


""So more or less, you're saying that other people have sensibilities, and that because it might offend them, it should be banned.""

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. I never said that at all nor did I imply it, and I have no clue how you got that out of my response.

Let's get one thing out of the way first: I wasn't making an argument against homosexuality from religious grounds. I was pointing out that even the very religious, who are supposed to be irrational or something in the eyes of someone like you, have their reasons for the things they think as well, and don't hate people just for the fuck of it.

"You shouldn't ban homosexuality based on religious beliefs"
This is an argument you're having with yourself. I'm not religious anyway, but regardless. Do you even read what other people type before giving your response? I mean, given that you don't even read your sources before proudly citing them, it's a logical conclusion for me to make.

2018-10-30 18:37:39 UTC  

I'm an atheist anyway. I'm not anti-Christian, but I don't think laws should solely be based on religious text or, in your words "because of their sensibilities" (regardless of whatever this meant, it wouldn't apply to what I said). And I'd love for you to explain how you gathered that out of what I said.

2018-10-30 18:44:28 UTC  

And also, that wasn't the conversation I was referring to, the one in question was back when I was still an admin and you had that drawing as an avatar.

2018-10-30 19:24:38 UTC  

Nice essays faggots

2018-10-30 19:50:27 UTC  

What the fuck is this shit yo?

2018-10-30 23:33:57 UTC  

@Levi You're witnessing someone getting destroyed with the utter might of my autism.

2018-10-30 23:34:33 UTC  


2018-10-30 23:35:30 UTC  

@Khat Emperor Begone Dutch cuck

2018-10-30 23:35:47 UTC  

Help me crush the urbanite

2018-10-30 23:35:50 UTC  

Shutup libtard aztec

2018-10-30 23:35:57 UTC  

What urbanite ?

2018-10-30 23:36:06 UTC  

Even dumber

2018-10-30 23:36:11 UTC  


2018-10-30 23:41:00 UTC  

This trap needs to be dealt with once and for all! Join me keyboard warriors!

2018-10-31 02:23:11 UTC

2018-10-31 02:23:14 UTC  

ignore my labourwave shitpost

2018-10-31 02:23:51 UTC

2018-10-31 02:24:10 UTC

2018-10-31 02:24:17 UTC

2018-10-31 02:24:20 UTC

2018-10-31 02:24:29 UTC

2018-10-31 02:24:51 UTC

2018-10-31 05:17:14 UTC  

@SilverLining Still waiting on you to explain why you thought I was arguing in favor of banning something on religious grounds when I never said that.

2018-10-31 05:21:08 UTC

2018-10-31 05:21:15 UTC  

I'll be here to own you with facts and logic when you finally do

2018-10-31 14:34:11 UTC  


2018-10-31 15:28:32 UTC

2018-10-31 20:11:30 UTC  

Because, again

2018-10-31 20:11:41 UTC  

Your simple, rural brain can't handle it, @The Big Oof

2018-10-31 20:12:31 UTC  

I was pointing out how the same logic you used could be used to justify said religious law

2018-10-31 20:31:11 UTC  

@SilverLining Except I wasn't using sensibilities to justify anything. Hell, I wasn't even arguing for *why* it should be banned, rather I was pointing out the problem with "how does it hurt you," since everyone believes it does. How does that make sense?

As for why I oppose homosexual marriage, it's because it normalizes a behavior that shouldn't be normalized. Homosexuals are promiscuous, have higher rates of STDs and mental illness, and often make their sexuality their personality.
I wouldn't ban the behavior outright, not only because that's unenforceable but for other reasons as well, but it should be kept underground and out of the public sphere.

2018-10-31 20:33:57 UTC  

I like your classist insults.

2018-10-31 20:34:08 UTC  

Very Liberal of you. 👌

2018-10-31 20:40:11 UTC  

No, let her keep doing it, it's funny to watch someone else call you stupid when they don't even argue against what you said. I'm almost done with my STEM degree and will graduate with a good GPA, so I'm not bothered by it in the slightest.

2018-10-31 21:07:15 UTC

2018-10-31 21:34:10 UTC