Message from @Muhammad Al-Tajir
Discord ID: 524517967027765269
satan scum
^^satanists are 4edgy2me
@Muhammad Abbas#1742 No u towel head
Just as it was predicted...tik tok...tik tok...tik tok....time is coming to an end, the jews are coming closer and closer to their end goal
What are your guy’s opinions on Jehovah’s witnesses
worship satan and go to heaven
or some shit
In the end, none of this really matters.
That's pretty Nihilistic of you
You only get to live on earth once, might as do something with that life
I don't see a point in placing meaning in something where there isn't any.
Why should the universe care about you? Why should all the stars and nebulas regard your existence as something significant? The universe existed before you were born, and it will continue existing longer afterwards.
If you wan't to have an unproductive life, then go ahead
As I said, you only get one chance to live on earth
Might as well do something with that life
Special Blend 4: The Erisian / Luciferian Dialectic
@Legion we btfod pagans sassanids and romans
no u
If you want to know the meaning of life for an atheist, it is self determination and living life to the fullest where you yourself reach the very limits of potential.
For nationalists it is preservation of the group through hard work and reaching the highest potential for a legacy that will outshine and outlive yourself.
For the religious it is living morally, having an easy living and by following the traditions of your scriptures until the end of the world of your time comes.
This is just the basis. It can be expanded upon through more philosophy if you'd like.
I find that atheists generally fall into the nihilist camp
finding meaning for them is impossible often because a lack of anything to verify or validate this higher purpose
otherwise its once again simply subjective
and arbitrary
either that or they take the divine ego route
Everyone validates their own purpose. Theists validate it with their god that they project their morals on to. Atheists just skip that and own their purpose.
I was a Mormon
Why were you a Mormon?
he was gay lol