Message from @Da_Fish
Discord ID: 468916977411555350
'Should we have a separation of church and state? Should churches pay taxes? Should children pray in school?' Yes, no, yes
The state should presuppose the authenticity of Christian doctrine
1. No. What church would even run it? Are we taking about people using specific religious values to craft laws? I guess that can be fine depending on the circumstances
2. Ideally no. We don’t need more taxing of anything
3. Yes. Schools should be private in my opinion. Religious schools are fine. Taking the prayer out didn’t accomplish anything, so whatever.
I think those scam churches should be taxed
QoTD 🔖 @everyone
I hate france and the french
Ye I don't like the French either
At least most of em
This demonstrates that france is
1. not white
2. Retarded
3. A completely lost cause
4. An african and muslim colony
They’re black frogs now
Imagine being this cucked
We need a French Inquisition
And a crusade
Fucking frogs
france is fucked
I hope the cup was worth the invasion of your homeland and the rise in rape and violence
@everyone 🔖 Daily Question 2
Should US states be allowed to secede from the Union?
if a state feels as though its issues are not being reflected in the federal government its only going to add tension to the states as a whole
basically get us closer to civil war
seccession is the right of every state as given to them by the constitution same as armed revolt
errr not reflected, adressed
Definitely. I’d be cool with California fucking off
Yes, as there's technically no logical reason they shouldn't beside them maybe not being able to support themselves. Which would be on them, not the rest of the states.
I would make the process very difficult to achieve (Congressional approval of both chambers, presidential approval, and SC majority), and have a time requirement before a former state can come back to the Union again.
That way it ensures that the states may not always get what they want to be a free nation, and shows the consequences of leaving the U.S. by having the time requirement.
Sure. It shouldn’t be easy, or easily reversed.