Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 480473676005900298

2018-08-18 20:25:25 UTC  

best food ever 😄

2018-08-18 20:25:37 UTC  

The issue we have is that the most profitable food is also the trash

2018-08-18 20:25:48 UTC  

so it creates an incentive to slowly kill the average person

2018-08-18 20:26:15 UTC  

eggs, splash of milk, cheese and butter, mixed with whatever flavour sauce and served with meat / fish of your choice, gets me out of bed in the mornings!

2018-08-18 20:26:20 UTC  

The entire nutritional labelling system needs a rework

2018-08-18 20:26:30 UTC  

hah yea I believe it

2018-08-18 20:26:30 UTC  

there is no daily % for sugar

2018-08-18 20:26:37 UTC  


2018-08-18 20:26:42 UTC  

artificial sweeteners etc.

2018-08-18 20:26:52 UTC  

they should include daily % for nearly everything

2018-08-18 20:27:02 UTC  

Who is "they"

2018-08-18 20:27:11 UTC  


2018-08-18 20:27:36 UTC  

government? that makes me chuckle, I have a serious lack of faith in them to do a good job

2018-08-18 20:27:42 UTC  

Current nutritional labelling system was made back when we thought macronutrient fats caused strokes and heart attacks

2018-08-18 20:28:00 UTC  

Which is now literally false yet the recommended fats remained the same...

2018-08-18 20:28:18 UTC  

And carbs are recommended at high amounts even though it's the only optional macronutrient

2018-08-18 20:28:22 UTC  

fucking insane innit

2018-08-18 20:29:15 UTC  

It is... but i am so jaded now with the state of western nations that I dont really have any expectations of them doing a good job in anything

2018-08-18 20:30:32 UTC  

One of the funnier hypocrisies of american conservatives however is wanting mandatory public education

2018-08-18 20:30:41 UTC  

however not giving school lunches a fairly small expenditure

2018-08-18 20:30:51 UTC  

Just force a kid to go somewhere 8 hours a day and not feed them

2018-08-18 20:30:51 UTC  

I mean where do you even begin to start sorting the issues, it will take decades to make any positive effect and then demographics will turn everything to shit anyway

2018-08-18 20:31:02 UTC  

I don't know why republicans do this honestly

2018-08-18 20:31:04 UTC  

do american conservatives want mandatory public education?

2018-08-18 20:31:10 UTC  

what about school choice?

2018-08-18 20:31:14 UTC  


2018-08-18 20:31:20 UTC  

You are forced to go somewhere from 5-18

2018-08-18 20:31:27 UTC  

Could be private or home

2018-08-18 20:31:32 UTC  

but regardless, the default is public education

2018-08-18 20:31:42 UTC  

and republicans don't want free school lunches, a fairly small expenditure

2018-08-18 20:31:48 UTC  

yeah i see your point now

2018-08-18 20:31:55 UTC  

You should not be able to force someone to go somewhere

2018-08-18 20:31:58 UTC  

and then not provide for them

2018-08-18 20:31:59 UTC  


2018-08-18 20:32:21 UTC  

it is a bit fucked up, but i guess the logic is that you have to eat anyway, so eat at the school

2018-08-18 20:32:36 UTC  

Well the school should pay for it

2018-08-18 20:32:40 UTC  

if they're gonna force you to be there

2018-08-18 20:32:54 UTC  

It's a losing issue

2018-08-18 20:33:08 UTC  

Like how are you going to morally justify forcing a 5-18 to go somewhere for 8 hours and not feed them?

2018-08-18 20:33:29 UTC  

It's just an autistic stand against public spending

2018-08-18 20:33:38 UTC  

What if the kid decides to get extra food?