Message from @L0GAN
Discord ID: 500742679076798465
"EU should 'undermine' national homogenity' says UN migration chief"
inb4 muh u can deport them after
inb4 anti-semite
I think the EU will fail, and fall apart. But I’m betting some countries reform a new, smaller, globalist alliance. So a bit of both.
Its gonna go the path of the 3rd world.
Strife, poverty,
UK not included obv
Stupid ideas
Stop using your weak brain
I woulnd't mind a new continental union that is not controlled by (((them)))
btw: You might want to exclude eastern european countries from this alliance seeing how they will make our economy shit and this new union should most likely just exist out of based nationalist countries with a great economy.
Slav negro's btfo
I think nationalism can prevail but the path is inevitably bloody
also eastern block countries unite to form another union = the west of europe is gonna have a really bad time. (Not to mention the scandinavian coutnries would just form their own union)
it would crack the continent across 3 groups and alliances
So west resorts to nationalism, Scandinavia resorts to social democracy, eastern block resorts to some socialist authoritarian shit
moreso the west remains as it is, the east becomes intensely nationalist and most likely would radically militarize, scandinavia becomes basically socialist, i mean look at sweden they would most likely lead that charge
@L0GAN Eatsern Europe/Bloc is more nationalist than any western country, and it's electing tons of ultra-right governments
@Doctor Anon "More Nationalist than any western country"
No yeah eastern europe is tryign to be nationalist but the govorments are supressing it hard
its actually absurd how bad it is in Poland
its low key
and thats the worst part
italy might actualyl return to glory
Oh boy
You sure about that?
I don't think it went so well last time
Imposing curfews on minority ethnicities is worrying regardless
And also stupid from an economic perspective tbh
Mussolini was overconfident and many of his policies were failures.
He enjoyed brief success in the free market stage, but the country was not ready for fascism at that time.