Message from @ham addition

Discord ID: 488838854992855051

2018-09-10 19:54:57 UTC  

Most likely

2018-09-10 19:55:19 UTC  

@ham addition Bernie is a Jew

2018-09-10 19:55:25 UTC  

That is his political position

2018-09-10 20:03:39 UTC  

They finally took down r/milliondollarextreme

2018-09-10 20:10:59 UTC  

huh that's odd because his political beliefs seem to have fuck all whatsoever to do with judaism

2018-09-10 20:16:33 UTC  


2018-09-10 20:39:57 UTC  

@Earl of Morrrrgantown did you seriously make a question with half the answers being "jews control the world"

2018-09-10 21:28:16 UTC  

Yes he did

2018-09-10 21:28:26 UTC  


2018-09-10 21:33:40 UTC  

@L0GAN where's the lie

2018-09-10 22:26:11 UTC  

these poll questions are shit

2018-09-10 22:27:08 UTC  

The questions aren't, the options are

2018-09-10 22:27:16 UTC  


2018-09-10 22:28:53 UTC  

Why can't I choose closed borders? No immigrants

2018-09-10 22:29:14 UTC  

the most telling sign imo is the fact that the star of david was used for israel rather than the israeli flag therefore implying that that option is just 'jews'

2018-09-10 22:29:36 UTC  

What if I don't believe anyone controls the world?

2018-09-10 22:29:56 UTC  


2018-09-10 22:30:01 UTC  

By Israel they mean Zionists probably

2018-09-10 22:30:08 UTC  

not everything is a conspiracy 🤔

2018-09-10 22:30:59 UTC  

But a not all Jews are Zionists

2018-09-10 22:31:05 UTC  


2018-09-10 22:31:20 UTC  

the implications are pretty obvious though 🤷

2018-09-10 22:31:55 UTC  

This is why polling is always biased

2018-09-10 22:32:18 UTC  

true but usually they aren't as spectacularly shit as these few

2018-09-10 22:33:50 UTC  

Stop complaining lmao

2018-09-10 22:34:05 UTC  

<#481280286336876554> if you want better polls

2018-09-10 22:34:09 UTC  

It exists for a reason

2018-09-10 22:34:30 UTC  

Or DM pope

2018-09-10 22:35:09 UTC  

I've never looked at that channel before lol

2018-09-11 03:05:47 UTC  

@The Big Oof Sorry i responded late but based on your timing i was asleep then and im busy through most of the day, you failed to mention Brazil and how it's different from Germany or Venezuela.

And weren't you arguing to defend Bernie Sanders when Americans, Europeans and all of his supporters describe him as a "democratic socialist." Lol this socialist, democratic and democracy stuff is all crap anyways and just because it has slight degrees of Capitalism, doesn't mean it's better or that much different from trash.

Lolberts and Conservatives argue over which right wing version or centrist version of Capitalism is better all the time, but the difference is none of them hold any anything to democracy and liberal socialism.
China has capitalism in it's socialism too, granted a different version.

In social driven democratic countries, people have less business ownership and less property rights than USA common knowledge and America is a mixed economy.

2018-09-11 17:51:49 UTC  

@! Blanc Spooky Lowee "you failed to mention Brazil and how it's different from Germany or Venezuela."

1. Because it doesn't really take away from my point, like at all, if I mention Venezuela and Germany, but not Brazil. By the same standard, you never addressed my point about social democracies being driven by private enterprise, so I guess coverage isn't something you really care about.
2. Because I don't know a lot about the Brazilian economy.

"And weren't you arguing to defend Bernie Sanders when Americans"

You should feel free to quote me when I defended Bernie Sanders. I'll wait on that, because it never happened.

They describe him as a "Democratic Socialist" because that's what he calls himself, and he himself is an idiot who doesn't know what socialism is. He thinks "socialism" is the same thing as having "social programs" and state intervention, and his supporters think the same thing as well, which is why they think all mixed economies are socialist.

Case in point: Bernie thinks Denmark and Scandinavia are socialist countries.

The Nazis called themselves "National Socialists" because they had trouble finding a name for their ideology, and so did their supporters, were they socialists?

"But it's in the name!" is a weak point. If I went around calling myself a capitalist, and my supporters called me a capitalist because I claimed I was, but supported nationalizing all industry, by the standard you yourself just set, I am a capitalist.

No, it doesn't work like that.

The rest of this seems to be rooted in the fact you think I'm a socialist or that I somehow like Bernie Sanders despite never saying I did.

2018-09-11 17:53:22 UTC  

like what is this

2018-09-11 18:00:11 UTC  

Nobody defended Bernie Sanders

2018-09-11 18:00:18 UTC  

Nobody likes Bernie Sanders

2018-09-11 18:15:47 UTC  

Also, Your argument about China doesn't make a lot of sense for two reasons:

2018-09-11 18:16:00 UTC  

The modern Chinese economic model is "Dengism"

2018-09-11 18:18:48 UTC  

Dengism isn't really socialism either, its aim is to lift as many people out of poverty as it can, because that was what he called "true socialism," but anyway

2018-09-11 18:21:48 UTC  

The Chinese communist party believes their capitalist policies will *lead* to socialism

2018-09-11 18:22:55 UTC  

They basically tried changing the definition of "socialism" to prevent controversy, though they state socialism is their end goal

2018-09-11 18:24:01 UTC  

It's a lot of mental gymnastics, but that's the short of it

2018-09-11 18:25:15 UTC  

Social Democrats generally tend to believe in private property and rely on taxes (whether they be from businesses or the workers) to find their programs and efforts, and don't have socialism as the end goal, unless they're crypto-socialists