Message from @Enigmatic★Chromatic

Discord ID: 508426865632083974

2018-11-03 23:08:33 UTC  

They commit more crimes, but I disagree that the reason why is because they are "just like that"

2018-11-03 23:08:34 UTC  

Black people commit more crimes per capita, that is a fact.

2018-11-03 23:09:22 UTC  

I think that the criminality is manifested by the environmental conditions of the communities, for example poverty is a huge factor

2018-11-03 23:09:35 UTC  

And if you control for them, they still commit more crime

2018-11-03 23:09:46 UTC  

You can perform the analysis yourself

2018-11-03 23:11:01 UTC  

You cannot control for that sort of thing

2018-11-03 23:11:24 UTC  

You can control for poverty

2018-11-03 23:11:35 UTC  

By examining all samples having equal household income

2018-11-03 23:12:00 UTC  

You compare a white man with x salary and a black man with x salary

2018-11-03 23:12:21 UTC  

Most of these behaviors are learned in childhood however

2018-11-03 23:12:40 UTC  

Since that's when neural plasticity is most plastic

2018-11-03 23:13:00 UTC  

The chaos of life is too much to control for in these kinds of tests

2018-11-03 23:13:08 UTC  

You can control for that too. Do you think that if a black family which is rich is living in affluent neighborhood for several generations, there would be no difference to whites

2018-11-03 23:15:17 UTC  

Of course you cannot control for all factors. But if you will set such a high criteria, then we would have to throw all statistical studies

2018-11-03 23:25:14 UTC  

@Doctor Anon has nominated @Draco for Senior Citizen!

2018-11-03 23:41:36 UTC  

It seems to me again that this is a way to try to prove an assumption and not really super great science

2018-11-03 23:45:10 UTC  

You have to make some assumptions for every field. The assumption here is just that if you control for some factors that are known to produce higher crime rate, then the difference between crime rates of two groups must be innate.

2018-11-03 23:45:21 UTC  

I didn't mean like that

2018-11-03 23:45:45 UTC  

Obviously science uses Methodological Naturalism as an assumption

2018-11-03 23:46:27 UTC  

I mean that 'race realism' to me has always shown itself to be cherry picked science to prove the assumptions of race the people who claim the title already have

2018-11-03 23:46:50 UTC  

I will concede that different races are, different of course. This is not an issue I have with the position

2018-11-03 23:49:52 UTC  

It is definitely not cherry picked. And bias in these fields is against race realism.
Now, it may be that the there are limitations in current analysis. But as it stands, there are many studies which you can read yourself that show that race is a factor in a lot of things.
Actually you can do the research yourself. I did one myself. Do you want to see the results?

2018-11-03 23:56:03 UTC  

And many that show the opposite

2018-11-03 23:57:01 UTC  

I think it's more reasonable to, even from a race realist perspective, to conclude not that any given race is the problem, but that we should seek to improve the conditions for all people to eliminate this issue

2018-11-03 23:57:38 UTC  

I do know many race realists will agree on Decolonization and black national self determination if they don't use it as a guise for hate

2018-11-03 23:58:33 UTC  

Hate is the wrong word, more like fear

2018-11-04 00:00:33 UTC  

You can link those studies. They are very problematic. .
However, coming to the main point. It is a question of distribution of resources. You cannot improve condition of everyone. It is impossible. From where would you get the money?

2018-11-04 00:05:41 UTC  


2018-11-04 00:05:47 UTC  

I don't mean equality

2018-11-04 00:06:06 UTC  

I mean removing the base systems that create these barriers to begin with

2018-11-04 00:06:28 UTC  

So, give me a policy proposal you would want to enact?

2018-11-04 00:08:31 UTC  

There is a picture where boys are trying to look over a fence to watch a baseball game, "equality" is giving each one box to stand on, and another suggestion is moving the most boxes to the shortest. However a third option exists, remove the fence. Which ultimately I think communism at it's core is removing the fence. Now how we would use policy to accomplish this would vary from circumstance to circumstance, but for one entitlement to your labour and contorl over your work space is a good way to combat these issues, and black naitonal self determination is another

2018-11-04 00:10:22 UTC  

you're talking about equity

2018-11-04 00:10:29 UTC  

I have seen the picture. The point is that these options that Communism proposes are very harmful for productivity. And I am not sure about Black National Self Determination. Whites don't have that. The only thing that it will do is a collectivise blacks.

2018-11-04 00:10:50 UTC  

@Draco you blacc ?

2018-11-04 00:11:00 UTC  


2018-11-04 00:12:25 UTC  

Well it gives black people an autonomous region

2018-11-04 00:12:54 UTC  

Yes, and what that will do? It will create a conflict with Whites who won't have such a region.

2018-11-04 00:13:18 UTC  

You think white people don't have national self determination?

2018-11-04 00:13:21 UTC  

communism is very fruitful

2018-11-04 00:13:22 UTC  

***just elimante 1 of them***