Message from @PebbЛe

Discord ID: 508447449594200074

2018-11-04 00:41:51 UTC  

If the proletariat seize power they will form a state and political economy that is a reflection of their class and class interests

2018-11-04 00:42:22 UTC  

Nothing but socialism can arise from this

2018-11-04 00:43:08 UTC  

Btw I have to drive so brb

2018-11-04 00:43:25 UTC  

But there will always be a class that has power, right?

2018-11-04 01:01:55 UTC  

Well the majority of human existence has been in tribal societies where there were no class distinctions

2018-11-04 01:06:31 UTC  

there were de facto autocrats

2018-11-04 01:06:33 UTC  


2018-11-04 01:06:34 UTC  


2018-11-04 01:06:41 UTC  


2018-11-04 01:06:42 UTC  

Those are not classes

2018-11-04 01:06:48 UTC  

Leaders will always exist

2018-11-04 01:06:48 UTC  

not economic classes no

2018-11-04 01:06:53 UTC  


2018-11-04 01:06:55 UTC  

but involuntary control

2018-11-04 01:07:04 UTC  

My issue is not with hierarchies in and of themselves

2018-11-04 01:07:25 UTC  

Socialism is the abolition of class distinctions, not the abolition of the concept of leaders

2018-11-04 01:07:33 UTC  

yes i know

2018-11-04 01:07:36 UTC  

i am a socialist

2018-11-04 01:07:37 UTC  

In fact I think Engles puts it best

2018-11-04 01:07:57 UTC  

Are you a Marxist socialist? Or a sort of NazBol thing

2018-11-04 01:08:38 UTC  

i consider myself a marxist

2018-11-04 01:08:52 UTC  

the epistemological break is an important component to me

2018-11-04 01:09:12 UTC  

i find myself more intrigued with marx's scientific theories than his worldly philosophy

2018-11-04 01:10:23 UTC  

Well they're interconnected

2018-11-04 01:12:18 UTC  

I mean insofar as i don't need to rely on anything dialectical or materialistic to arrive at empirical worker exploitation and the effectiveness of worker self-management and proletarian freedom

2018-11-04 01:12:28 UTC  

or the validity of the LTV

2018-11-04 01:12:35 UTC  

or determining physical surplus

2018-11-04 01:12:37 UTC  

or surplus value

2018-11-04 01:13:27 UTC  

or that industries with a high labor to capital ratio are more profitable as shown by farjoun and machover in solidarity with the previously mentioned point of worker exploitation

2018-11-04 01:14:24 UTC  

Well, fair enough I suppose

2018-11-04 01:15:16 UTC  

As long as you can conclude with communism, that's to me what is most important

2018-11-04 01:24:17 UTC  

it's a possibility

2018-11-04 01:24:43 UTC  

as a theocrat i think an apostolic vanguard is necessary

2018-11-04 01:25:24 UTC  

Why aren't you a distributist if you're religious?

2018-11-04 01:26:53 UTC  

distributism is a system of creating a petty bourgeois

2018-11-04 01:27:20 UTC  

not socialistic at all

2018-11-04 01:31:19 UTC  

Seemed socialist to me since it didn't create a market so to speak

2018-11-04 01:31:28 UTC  

Er it's anti-market

2018-11-04 01:31:33 UTC  

Something like that

2018-11-04 01:31:52 UTC  

it's anti a centralization of capital

2018-11-04 01:32:07 UTC  

it's for the promulgation of cottage industry