Message from @SchutzStar
Discord ID: 527604437586542602
if cash is an issue you can't do the jin roh thing period
it's an autistic moneysink you do for the crazy press coverage
I just prefer armor and cheaper guns than more expensive guns and optics.
I guess so
The armor works as intimidation and protection
If you really want to send a message though you'd want to merc a live TV shoot
I get your argument for optics and less armor, I really do.
imagine if a few guys walked on stage on one of these liberal late night shows
not that it would actually air like that but you could film it from the stands and spread it online
I think one of these would be a bit better
most wwII era commando moves would be epic
Just straight up murder these asshats
Jin Roh armor and all
@IV LI V S i want an MSBS but im poor, the WOT and polish military is gonna be using it as the standard rifle soon
only issue with night vision is if someone pops a flare out you better know how to take those off or itll burn your eyes
combat flares are awesome
falres out
Does anybody has an english translation of an non edited version of Mein Kampf?
They're edited ? wow that's why it was a bit weird
Well once i saw a news
That say that Mein Kampf became legal on germany but it's an edited version
Yet even some translations all these decades have been considered 'edited'. 'Edited' does not necessarily mean 'censored', it can mean edited for propagandizing. The James Murphy translation (probably the most popular), for instance, was partially edited by a member of the Red Orchestra (Greta Lorke) when he fell ill. The Stalag Edition is more-or-less considered the 'true'-est version.
I’m on my phone so I can’t post it right now
There’s an audiobook on jewtube. Make sure you listen to the Ford translation. It’s the only translation everyone trusts
I enjoy the voice actors, but if you want to read it
Ain't the Stalag edition better?
Physical copy > Audio book
physical copy + audio book is peak
Physical copy only
@Crazed Shotgun long time no see. I’ve never heard of the stalag version