Message from @εïз irma εïз

Discord ID: 456678130493554691

2018-06-14 04:31:01 UTC  

whos to say those biblical figures

2018-06-14 04:31:08 UTC  

werent fucking crazy people seeing weird shit

2018-06-14 04:31:21 UTC  

theres 2 types of people in this world

2018-06-14 04:31:25 UTC  

preoles and herders

2018-06-14 04:32:01 UTC  

like sometimes i wonder if all those bugmen who line up... to see superhero movies and obsess on leftism

2018-06-14 04:32:07 UTC  

Actually have free will

2018-06-14 04:32:15 UTC  

or are controlled by the same collectivist eitity

2018-06-14 04:32:49 UTC  

they all group think look the same talk the same like the same shit

2018-06-14 04:32:51 UTC  

They're raw data, right, but how that data is acquired is where that judgment comes from. There might be factors which skew the data in the first place, like if the statistics come from a study cataloging the efficacy of an experiment and there is an inaccuracy or error at some point that wasn't noticed by the people running it.

2018-06-14 04:33:19 UTC  

That does not in any way imply subjectivity.

2018-06-14 04:33:38 UTC  

Statistics-gathering techniques are not perfect. But again, not 'subjective'.

2018-06-14 04:33:54 UTC  

>There being an aspect of judgment of reliability does not imply subjectivity.

2018-06-14 04:33:57 UTC  

And statisticians refine and analyze statistics. It's not their job to collect faulty statistics you know.

2018-06-14 04:34:08 UTC  

And throwing it all out based on it being imperfect? Ridiculous.

2018-06-14 04:34:22 UTC  

And further basing that to say psychology is pseudoscience? Smallbrain! 😦

2018-06-14 04:34:29 UTC  

El Chepo reminds me of a guy I met named Homer in another NS group I was in hahahahahaha

2018-06-14 04:34:50 UTC  

I even notice... "similarities" and "patterns" more than most people.

2018-06-14 04:35:00 UTC  

even among the "alt right and new right"

2018-06-14 04:35:05 UTC  

Theres "archtypes"

2018-06-14 04:35:45 UTC  

Some people will have similar voices looks, mannerisms ect.

2018-06-14 04:35:50 UTC  

You're not nearly as profound as you think you are.

2018-06-14 04:35:51 UTC  

Personality types...

2018-06-14 04:36:04 UTC  

Nah man I just... notice fucking patterns.

2018-06-14 04:36:19 UTC  

Humans tend to do that. It's widely acknowledged.

2018-06-14 04:36:37 UTC  

Funny how we came full circle right back to psychology.

2018-06-14 04:36:49 UTC  

Maybe they stem from your inner self, these archetypes being ingrained in your subconscious since development. But hey, that's just pseudoscience 😉

2018-06-14 04:36:50 UTC  

Some people are archtypes.

2018-06-14 04:37:05 UTC  

>using Jung to categorize all psychology

2018-06-14 04:37:07 UTC  

Like I did see a guy... with MY SAME ONE when I was in a hospital.

2018-06-14 04:37:09 UTC  

im laffin

2018-06-14 04:37:15 UTC  

He even had the same eyes, way of talking mannerism

2018-06-14 04:37:24 UTC  

He was like in his 50s shaven bald with a goatee.

2018-06-14 04:37:28 UTC  

>implying that i said anything about all psychology

2018-06-14 04:37:32 UTC  

It was weird.

2018-06-14 04:37:34 UTC  

Jung is harshly criticized for being unverifiable.

2018-06-14 04:37:38 UTC  

Cause HE seemed to notice.

2018-06-14 04:37:42 UTC  

And, would you look at that, pseudoscientific.

2018-06-14 04:37:51 UTC  

No shit, irma.

2018-06-14 04:38:05 UTC  

But Jung is definitely not representative of psychology.

2018-06-14 04:38:12 UTC  

Archtypes are pretty common throughout history and old stories and shit.

2018-06-14 04:38:19 UTC  

Did I say he was at any point?