Message from @21tagtmeiern
Discord ID: 496858022220398593
a picture of guns saying for different groups of clowns which to use
i meant to send it to an anti-ar15 coworker
Is he anti gun?
i hope not
if he sends me a meme back ill die
can I have an invite to the funeral?
enlightentment ideas are for brainlets
Big truth
This tbh
Based Graham
sorry i can't take lindsey graham seriously
Graham 2024 2028
if Trump wins 2020*
I can't see Graham as president just because he's been talking more ever since No name died.
you’re probably joking but the first barack obama was his dad
but i can never really tell here
hey guys
Good day
@ham addition deli is a troll, I think
Trump will be the republican nominee 100% next year he’s incumbent
And I think he’s proved himself to be competent enough to get more votes next year
i don’t like trump but it’s stupid to suggest that the republicans wouldn’t nominate him
would essentially be suicide otherwise
I want Jeb Bush 2020
I want Obama 2020
*which would actually be a pretty good idea*
Obama 2020, but he’s the republican nominee
Obama in a nazist edition