Message from @ken
Discord ID: 496813469048504348
i was away
i'm a protestant
Pro Enlightenment Prot
Das Anglo
anglos are great
Hmm yes
i like this wiseman
Literal liberalism
Objective Metaphysical Evil
The simplest way to explain is to tell you that the British empire was in the archetype of Babylon
Elaborate on that
Let me see if I can find a book
when you accidentally send your boss a meme that wasnt supposed to go to him
oh lord
what did you send him?
a picture of guns saying for different groups of clowns which to use
i meant to send it to an anti-ar15 coworker
Is he anti gun?
if he sends me a meme back ill die
can I have an invite to the funeral?
enlightentment ideas are for brainlets
Big truth
This tbh
Based Graham
sorry i can't take lindsey graham seriously
Graham 2024 2028
if Trump wins 2020*
u don't think he's gonna at least win the primary?
I can't see Graham as president just because he's been talking more ever since No name died.
you’re probably joking but the first barack obama was his dad
but i can never really tell here
hey guys