Message from @Donut Steel Tendies

Discord ID: 446316356737171458

2018-05-16 11:14:49 UTC  

2018-05-16 11:14:54 UTC  


2018-05-16 13:50:06 UTC  

2018-05-16 13:50:40 UTC  

Hello, anyone here?

2018-05-16 13:52:22 UTC  


2018-05-16 13:55:24 UTC  

What are you all talking about?

2018-05-16 14:05:39 UTC  

copy and paste from the server owner

2018-05-16 14:05:41 UTC  

Here's an introduction for all new members. Young men, those who will carry forth the torch of liberty, are being led astray. There are traps of degeneracy and mediocrity at every level. The most able of young men are being caught in /r/TheRedPill on Reddit. I know because I have been there. /r/TheRedPill has just under 300k subscribers, with millions more reading their content without an account.

The Red Pill works, but it also poisons. We need to teach young men that while they should be alpha, they should also be smart and look to their ancestors. I have been working to guide these young men, to inspire them to carry on the torch of liberty and Western Civilization, and to focus on their grand mission, work, future wife and family.

Though I am just one man I have been making a lot of progress and the audience is very receptive to the message. I need some help, however, in strategy, organization, and execution.

The current tasks at hand are recruitment and responding to new posts on /r/AskTRP, a subreddit where young men ask questions for "red pill experts" to answer. As @-stupidface- put it, it's blind leading the blind.

I am responding to about 10 of these posts a day. Usually there are ~60. With more people onboard, we can have a presence in each and every post, and then move onto more complex projects.

I'm working on organizing and recruiting, so I'll be in touch with more updates. Thank you all, and God bless.

2018-05-16 14:06:25 UTC  

I'm talking more along the lines of what's being discussed right now

2018-05-16 14:07:48 UTC  

this place is pretty fresh

2018-05-16 14:07:50 UTC  

like 1 day fresh

2018-05-16 14:07:53 UTC  

so not much

2018-05-16 14:08:36 UTC  

Yeah, I can tell

2018-05-16 14:10:00 UTC  

Can I start by asking a more practical question?

2018-05-16 14:10:19 UTC  

by all means

2018-05-16 14:11:37 UTC  

At what point does "Having standards" stop and "Being shallow" begins?

2018-05-16 14:15:19 UTC  

When it comes to a man being the one who is deciding

2018-05-16 14:15:19 UTC  

it begins when you want to start forming a real relationship with a person.

2018-05-16 14:18:10 UTC  

both have to decide

2018-05-16 14:18:31 UTC  

but you can choose to identify and avoid

2018-05-16 14:21:51 UTC  

It's just that there is someone interested in me but I'm not interested in that person and I find her unattractive to me but I also feel guilty for that

2018-05-16 14:22:24 UTC  

you shouldn't

2018-05-16 14:22:30 UTC  

if its not for you its not for you

2018-05-16 14:22:34 UTC  

its not a 1 way street

2018-05-16 14:23:12 UTC  

I am not a picky person at all but I am even less than average attracted to people who are overweight

2018-05-16 14:26:25 UTC  

Anyway I have a lecture in a few mins, I can chat some more in two hours

2018-05-16 14:31:46 UTC  

it sounds like you are selling yourself short

2018-05-16 14:31:57 UTC  

you are less then avg so just take whatever comes your way

2018-05-16 14:32:37 UTC  

thats no path for success

2018-05-16 14:32:40 UTC  

so get out of that mindet

2018-05-16 14:50:37 UTC  

Welp, lecture's not happening so I'm back

2018-05-16 14:51:21 UTC  

can you explain what you mean by "you are less than avg so jsut take whatever comes your way"

2018-05-16 15:23:30 UTC  

it just sounds like the mindset you are in based on what you said

2018-05-16 15:44:12 UTC  

Well, on one hand, it is true that I'm not in the best mental condition recently and my self esteem is really damn low, maybe even somewhat unreasonably so.

2018-05-16 15:50:35 UTC  

but I also believe that there is more to people than looks, though I think being overweight is a consequence of bad descisions and maybe it's okay to find it undesirable

2018-05-16 18:24:20 UTC  

i wouldn't worry about external relationships until you feel better about yourself

2018-05-17 00:33:12 UTC  

He wasn't saying he was less than average. He was saying he is 'even less than average attracted to people who are overweight.

2018-05-17 00:34:02 UTC  

You aren't obligated to like someone back just because they like you. But I would be straightforward with her and say you only see her as a friend.

2018-05-17 00:47:05 UTC  

Also, I think it helps be realistic about yourself when setting your standards, and decide what is most important to you.

2018-05-17 00:48:32 UTC  

Like for me, a sense of humor and smarts was most important, Everything else was flexible to a certain degree.

2018-05-17 10:48:40 UTC  

Thanks for sharing your thoughts