Message from @Scipio
Discord ID: 452231600558833668
Im for dictatorship, not monarchy
why not kill 2 birds with 1 Stone?
INB4 commies say dictatorship of the proletariat
make sure to vote for me for pres, I'll be good trust me
Already did
He might be.
President Florida Man for the win!
dictatorship of the proletariat is the biggest joke I've ever heard
I voted for FLanon.
Voting for FLanon makes sense, specifically because of him.
I voted for myself
"The guy who ruled over everything and sent his political enemies to their death was just a representative of the workers"
^ See, they won't listen to that.
They will completely deny the deaths.
At least we don't fucking hide it
They will ignore it
I don’t deny Stalin killed people
In my opinion he didn’t kill enough
a lot of the guys in your party seem to try to rationalize it
you fellas gotta remember that tankies exist
radical communist anime
oh God
Stalin only killed the people who were literally organizing an overthrough and getting ready for a return to monarchy
Anime is radical in itself
I'd want my Tsar back too
right like his fellow party members
an absolute dictatorship you mean
No the Tsar was terrible
do it again peter
Tsar was infinitely worse that any of the Soviet leaders