Message from @Stalins Boi
Discord ID: 452232065602158607
They will ignore it
and say
I don’t deny Stalin killed people
In my opinion he didn’t kill enough
a lot of the guys in your party seem to try to rationalize it
you fellas gotta remember that tankies exist
radical communist anime
oh God
Stalin only killed the people who were literally organizing an overthrough and getting ready for a return to monarchy
Anime is radical in itself
I'd want my Tsar back too
right like his fellow party members
an absolute dictatorship you mean
No the Tsar was terrible
do it again peter
not my oc
I want that sticker on my computer
The hitler one not the anti commie thing
Vote FLanon and we will produce a third Paul Blart Mall Cop movie
Get meatball sub?
the best of democracy ^
that's some hot camp bling
>jewish jehova's witnesses
are those a thing?
In Australia yep
what about gay Jewish professional criminal Communist race mixing gypsies?
what markings do they get?
That’s me