Message from @Meta
Discord ID: 452744940917620738
where is your evidence?
don't listen to Dugin. he's too faggy.
Something I would agree to
Is that peter griffin?
@Meta Coming from a *pederasty is o-o-okay because Zeus said s-o-o-o* pagan
great, I get all these nice posters, but no actual evidence of my "undermining" of the party
@Huey Long t. follows a Jew religion
you're literally racemixed, btw.
This is some next level shit tbh. Slavs are so alpha each Slav is their own race
And you're a... American right? 56%er
You can be American without being 56%
That's a pretty funny joke, good one.
Lmao I’ve got pure bloodlines going back to the 1600’s
Half of the 'pure' South are the descendents of a slave master tiddling his black slaves tbh
Maybe so, but I got the genealogy mapped out
What did you use, DNA testing or some shit?
trotsk, stain, hitner
Nope we used actual genealogy shit in the 80’s and had it documented
@FreemanTheDemon proof of your alignment with the fascists and operation of spying and sabotaging of the communist party I see
Ribbentrop Molotov pact is Nazbol
what alignment? the only thing we have in common is that we are both against race mixing
that's not alignment
I even offered to give you proof that I'm in over a dozen communist servers
What else do you want? for me to show you the poster of Stalin hanging in my room?
Naz Bols unite against the Jewish Bourgeoisie