Message from @Alex-VA
Discord ID: 452747971457581056
Is that peter griffin?
@Meta Coming from a *pederasty is o-o-okay because Zeus said s-o-o-o* pagan
great, I get all these nice posters, but no actual evidence of my "undermining" of the party
@Huey Long t. follows a Jew religion
you're literally racemixed, btw.
This is some next level shit tbh. Slavs are so alpha each Slav is their own race
you're a Tatar, bro.
And you're a... American right? 56%er
You can be American without being 56%
That's a pretty funny joke, good one.
Lmao I’ve got pure bloodlines going back to the 1600’s
Half of the 'pure' South are the descendents of a slave master tiddling his black slaves tbh
Maybe so, but I got the genealogy mapped out
What did you use, DNA testing or some shit?
trotsk, stain, hitner
@FreemanTheDemon proof of your alignment with the fascists and operation of spying and sabotaging of the communist party I see
Ribbentrop Molotov pact is Nazbol
what alignment? the only thing we have in common is that we are both against race mixing
that's not alignment
I even offered to give you proof that I'm in over a dozen communist servers
What else do you want? for me to show you the poster of Stalin hanging in my room?
Naz Bols unite against the Jewish Bourgeoisie
most bourgeoisie is white.
killing the jewish ones ignores the majority of the bourgeoise
Jews arent white
They are semitic
the ak is fully my friend
Imagine being this dumb
I tried, nothing changed
Read Das Kapital again