Message from @🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼

Discord ID: 452107435302191105

2018-06-01 13:49:25 UTC  

I believe it works well under a fascist system as well

2018-06-01 13:49:31 UTC  

And that’s why we value it

2018-06-01 13:50:06 UTC  

It’s also formed from the recent state of the family and how we see it falling apart under this current system which is leading to complications

2018-06-01 13:50:32 UTC  

Which I think helps the drive to protect the nuclear family idea

@GermanEastAfrica so what i want to say is that marxists are not against marriage or family as things people do
but the specific forms of marriage and family inherent to capitalism

2018-06-01 13:50:50 UTC  

@LoJ Wait for the Congress to convene

2018-06-01 13:50:58 UTC  

Like the fact you need a license for marriage

well more like marriage is a way for often men to control women

i.e in feudalistic times

marriage was all about

how can i obtain more land?

yes marry my daugthers off to the rich son of that landowner

2018-06-01 13:51:43 UTC  

Due to the fact that was the only way to have rights

so the very conception of marriage has shifted in society

due to the romanticist movement

marriage has been commodified as well

into the capitalist system

but because marriage still came from that feudalistic kind of thinking it still remains an reactionary element and only serves to hold certain groups down.

2018-06-01 13:52:48 UTC  

My view on marriage and the role of the mother is that it’s alright for the woman to get a job but she should not be shamed into never getting married

2018-06-01 13:53:22 UTC  

The owner rn is thinking about president's rights

@GermanEastAfrica the observation i've made of capitalist society is that we commodified marriage such that women are kinda shamed if they aren't married and have children.

2018-06-01 13:53:46 UTC  

I see things the opposite ways nowadays

2018-06-01 13:54:20 UTC  

Two different looks at the same mirror I suppose

2018-06-01 13:55:02 UTC  

Woah, a Fascist and a Communist are having a rational conversation. Thats cool to see.

2018-06-01 13:55:16 UTC  

It's a rarity nowadays

2018-06-01 13:55:20 UTC  

A very delicate thing indeed

@Sarge I only debate civilly with a few of the fash because most of them aren't very nice to talk to in the first place 👍🏿

2018-06-01 13:56:05 UTC  

@LoJ He owns the server, we can't do anything about it. But he promised to consider our suggestions.

2018-06-01 13:56:18 UTC  


2018-06-01 13:56:18 UTC  

I can agree that some of my colleagues can be a bit... much

@GermanEastAfrica most of the time i don't attack fascism at all
I only come in when the fash are shitting on marxism.

2018-06-01 13:57:08 UTC  

I think we should stop calling each other the dash and commies

2018-06-01 13:57:22 UTC  

Makes it seem like they aren’t worth respect

it's also annoying when i've explained marxist stuff for the 4th time in a row and people don't get it smh

2018-06-01 13:58:01 UTC  

I certainly respect your sides debating skills and stamina for discussion and I have learned much

FrEe WIlLl

2018-06-01 13:58:21 UTC  

And yes I can imagine it can get annoying discussing the same thing over and over again

that's where you're wrong kiddio @LoJ

also i mean there needs to be at least some basis in the server before it kicks into high gear

2018-06-01 13:59:01 UTC  

I imagine that it’s still in the works and Eagles working to try to work out the kinks

2018-06-01 14:01:49 UTC  

At the end of the day we’re all folks who see something wrong with the current system of the world and would like to see it to change, however the methods of which we would like it to change and what appears logical is different to us all. We forget these bonds due to difference in ideology and as a result stop seeing the other side as people worthy of respect.