Message from @AlaJt

Discord ID: 451148962276048897

2018-05-29 22:23:01 UTC  

It's so deep

2018-05-29 22:23:05 UTC  

>23 things

2018-05-29 22:23:07 UTC  

I think I'll get a tattoo

2018-05-29 22:23:07 UTC  

>300 pages

2018-05-29 22:23:10 UTC  

what the actual fuck

2018-05-29 22:23:20 UTC  

Of that deep and powerful quote

2018-05-29 22:23:34 UTC  


2018-05-29 22:23:37 UTC  

@Grugochet It must be fun in that cave of yours.

2018-05-29 22:23:46 UTC  

Read you fucking retarded fascists

2018-05-29 22:23:48 UTC  

I'm sure ignorance truly is blissful.

2018-05-29 22:23:56 UTC  

Omg I'm in the cave watching the shadows right xddsdd

2018-05-29 22:23:58 UTC  

i do read

2018-05-29 22:24:00 UTC  


2018-05-29 22:24:01 UTC  


2018-05-29 22:24:02 UTC  

i read non gay things

2018-05-29 22:24:16 UTC  

ill read your gay book if u read something i suggest

2018-05-29 22:24:39 UTC  

I took a gen ed philosophy course one time too big boi

2018-05-29 22:24:41 UTC  

its not a long book either

2018-05-29 22:24:47 UTC  

50 pages

2018-05-29 22:24:54 UTC  

how do I join a party lads

2018-05-29 22:24:55 UTC  

you can read all the books in the world and still be a retard

2018-05-29 22:25:03 UTC  

that's the average communist

2018-05-29 22:25:10 UTC  


Mitch my book is a critque of classical economics relevant to the argument im putting forward. Yours have nothing to do with what is being discussed.

2018-05-29 22:25:55 UTC  

@Grugochet Most of my philosophical knowledge was acquired as a result of informal, self-learning.

2018-05-29 22:25:56 UTC  

You start off with harry potter and 8 months later you're a full blown communist

2018-05-29 22:26:05 UTC  

they all fucking suck

2018-05-29 22:26:05 UTC  

i dont care what my book has to do with anything

2018-05-29 22:26:08 UTC  

you can still read it

2018-05-29 22:26:12 UTC  

where NAT-SOC shieeeeed

2018-05-29 22:26:17 UTC  

Wow your thirst for useless knowledge is unending

2018-05-29 22:26:22 UTC  

@AlaJt Fascist is close enough.

2018-05-29 22:26:30 UTC  

There is no NatSoc specific group.

2018-05-29 22:26:39 UTC  

Fascist is the current "big tent" of the far-right.

2018-05-29 22:26:51 UTC  

@Dwarf I don't like the policies but whatever i'll pick it since it's the closest thing to Nat-Soc.

2018-05-29 22:26:51 UTC  


2018-05-29 22:26:58 UTC  

2018-05-29 22:27:14 UTC  


2018-05-29 22:27:14 UTC  

Common identity at the forefront, linguistic, racial, and religious homogeneity are essential for the society to thrive. We promote the family and tradition, we do not yield to global capitalism or communism. We promote a healthy community, reasonable protections on the environment, limits on immigration and strict rules on who may be allowed. Collaboration with industry and the working class will be paramount to the nation's health, and Christianity as a vital foundation of our nation's morals and ethics.

2018-05-29 22:27:15 UTC  

I think harry potter is a gateway to communism