Message from @(Carbo)nMonoxide

Discord ID: 451249943894556672

2018-05-30 05:00:47 UTC  


Yes moltres

I.e finland

2018-05-30 05:01:04 UTC  

The only exceptions I can think of are the USSR satelite states

2018-05-30 05:01:14 UTC  

some of them

Hang on there

2018-05-30 05:01:15 UTC  


When most of the world is supporting the white army

2018-05-30 05:02:28 UTC  

ik about that

2018-05-30 05:02:33 UTC  

@Moltres That is a contradiction in terms, but I understand the point you're trying to make. There is no such thing as a "communist state" as communism is inherently stateless, and cannot be contained within the boundaries of a nation-state framework. A state can be Socialist though.

I avoid that all together and just say dictatorship of the proleteriat

2018-05-30 05:03:28 UTC  

So did the Soviet Union never come out of it's "transition period" so to say between capitalism and pure communism due to the central government existing?

2018-05-30 05:03:47 UTC  

@🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼 DoTP isn't something most non-communists will be privy to though.

USSR never got past baking, someone burnt the cake

2018-05-30 05:04:26 UTC  

So they were never truly communist?

2018-05-30 05:05:07 UTC  

Have there ever been any "pure" communist societies that actually followed through with the baking process?

No because the baking processs takes a long time

2018-05-30 05:06:10 UTC  

Learn our ways and join us ❤️

2018-05-30 05:07:01 UTC  

@Moltres No, however there have been societies which have operated under what's known as "primitive communism".

@Moltres marx really got the idea of communism from two different places first dialetics and second primitive communism

Marx famous phrase is history repeats itself first as a farce and then as a tragedy etc he was quoting hegel

Communism is like an advamced form of primitive communism

Why did marx think it would happen? Because the master/slave dialetic is what marx believes drives change and if there are no masters nor slaves then we have reached the final mode of production

2018-05-30 05:09:13 UTC  

@🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼 Well, first as tragedy, then as farce.* lol

2018-05-30 05:09:24 UTC  

Simple mistake.

Mixing up quotes

2018-05-30 05:09:35 UTC  

“Communism is like an advanced form of primitive communism.”

2018-05-30 05:09:41 UTC  

Wow. So intelligent.

2018-05-30 05:09:56 UTC  
2018-05-30 05:10:31 UTC  

Never knew there was anything for the sort from there…

2018-05-30 05:10:46 UTC  

Fuck up fascist

2018-05-30 05:12:42 UTC  

@Deleted User @🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼 Well I have to sleep now. This was actually a pleasant discussion, and you inspired me to read Marx again lol. You're both nicer than the fascists, gn.

@Moltres oh ok then sleep well

2018-05-30 05:13:40 UTC  

i hope no spectres haunt my dreams

2018-05-30 05:13:41 UTC  

@Moltres I'm glad to have been of assistance, and I hope you have a nice night. Sleep well.

A spectre is haunting Europe, the spectre of gommunism

2018-05-30 05:14:13 UTC  

@Moltres Unless it's the spectre of communism! ;>