Message from @LoJ

Discord ID: 451842460906160139

2018-05-31 20:18:49 UTC  

You guys are just greedy crooks really

@LoJ capitalism is taking people's labour with the threat of starvation private property is a greedy capitalist plot to exploit people

2018-05-31 20:19:01 UTC  

No worst than the CEOs

communists are worse than capitalists

2018-05-31 20:19:15 UTC  


2018-05-31 20:19:21 UTC  

This is almost as funny as the time Sargon of Akkad claimed to have read Kapital

yes we are the ones allowing 20 million people to die from capitalist inefficency

every year

2018-05-31 20:19:47 UTC  

How could Sargon of the Akkad have read it? He was was an Akkadian figure of legend

2018-05-31 20:19:47 UTC  

But that’s not Capitalism you ser

capitalisms death toll is so unprecedented it makes stalin look like a fucking anarchist

2018-05-31 20:19:56 UTC  

What do you mean

2018-05-31 20:19:57 UTC  

@GucciToiletSalesman "Freedom" under capitalism is nothing more than a silly abstraction. Freedom for who? Certainly not the underpaid and overworked sweatshop laborers in Indonesia, or the countless children who are currently eating from a garbage heap in the Philippines. Take your absurd notion of "freedom" and shove it where the sun never shines.

2018-05-31 20:20:12 UTC  

There's no way you can actually support Stalin

2018-05-31 20:20:24 UTC  

@notjojo how so

2018-05-31 20:20:28 UTC  

But you see, every death under Socialism is the fault of Socialism. When people die under Capitalism it’s just a fact of life. So BTFO commie

because it tricks people into thinking they have freedom

2018-05-31 20:20:37 UTC  

@notjojo Please present a unique idea or statement or stop typing, please.

while they really are in chains

2018-05-31 20:20:44 UTC  

How are people dying under capitalism

2018-05-31 20:20:50 UTC  

they starve

it's the most pervasive ideology

2018-05-31 20:20:54 UTC  

of sickness

of slavery

2018-05-31 20:20:56 UTC  


2018-05-31 20:21:02 UTC  

a bunch o stuff

and also 20 million from a lack of food, water, and medicine

we produce more than enough

for everyone on earth

so this is capitalistic ineffiecnecy

to distrubute resources

to who needs it

so people are dying under capitalism

2018-05-31 20:21:37 UTC  

Funny people under capitalism still assist those who are not successful

2018-05-31 20:21:49 UTC  

But you see people in the third world die to.. eeeerhmm... corruption?

wtf you mean hold on

2018-05-31 20:22:33 UTC  

Because people totally haven’t died and spilled blood to win the most basic labor rights, right?

2018-05-31 20:22:54 UTC  

There are homeless shelters in every single state and city of the United States, three hot meals and a bed to sleep in, anything not covered by the welfare system is covered by the churches and private organizations, the United States is the best place to be homeless if one happens to be.