Message from @LoJ

Discord ID: 451849046831661057

"more wrong"

liberals and fascists are equally misguided in different ways

the fascists are just much smarter in how they misguide others liberals aren't

the first tactic is disguising as a labour party 👍🏿 co-opting the socialist/communist movement

2018-05-31 20:43:38 UTC  

You want me to quote Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels? (something that has been failed to be addressed, the Communist Manifesto wasn't solely authored by Marx.) Let me quote, "The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production" So, the methods of production shall never be improved?

why are people laughing the nazis and mussolini's party did this 😆

2018-05-31 20:43:51 UTC  

How do liberals misguide others?

```Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism… How can you not be an antisemite, being a socialist!``` -adolf hitler yeet


2018-05-31 20:45:25 UTC  

there are more forms of socialism than just how marx the unemployed fucker defined it fam

2018-05-31 20:45:50 UTC  

there's utopian socialism

2018-05-31 20:45:53 UTC  

@LoJ Who made the claim that it was? Nobody. And you do realize that Marxist theory doesn't end with the Manifesto, right? You taking a quote from there out of context is nothing more than an act of desperation which doesn't help your case one bit.

then marxism socialism

2018-05-31 20:45:58 UTC  

get owned democRAT

all other forms of socialism are dmb

they're fronts for capitalism

NaTioNaL SocIAlIsM

Nazis do not fundamentally change society as they do not resolve the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proleteriat

2018-05-31 20:46:47 UTC  

It was the NAtional Socialist Worker's Party

2018-05-31 20:46:55 UTC  

@Mr.AnalTwister4000 >unemployed

Yeah, because being employed by various news agencies is unemployment, right?


socialism is internationalist

how can you have 'national socialism'

**looks at @notjojo wtf**

in what goddamn context

do you mean 'nationalist socialist'

2018-05-31 20:48:03 UTC  

Eh? I'm implying this man whos work dedicated his life to his work surrounding the worker man while yet not being one himself

2018-05-31 20:48:17 UTC  


2018-05-31 20:48:18 UTC  


2018-05-31 20:48:25 UTC  

Communists are useless

2018-05-31 20:48:29 UTC  

Capitalism is not as bad as communism
If capitalism is worse than communism then why have so many communist countrys fall?

```What will be the attitude of communism to existing nationalities?
The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and thereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.``` @notjojo

@Shell Shock go fuck yourself china is marxist


2018-05-31 20:49:27 UTC  

@here I invite the communists and fascists to debate in general, I see all of this cowardly and immoral slur dropping and ad hominem attacks being made yet no solutions are being proposed. If there is truly a desire to better the wellbeing of our nation then allow it to be spoken man to man instead of cowardishly behind mountains of text.


learn marxism

2018-05-31 20:49:36 UTC  

Yea and chinas businesses are runned by pirate companys

before we debate