Message from @Mr. X

Discord ID: 452924720673849364

2018-06-03 19:54:49 UTC  

BLACK men are superior

2018-06-03 19:55:33 UTC  

I don't know why you just can't accept it? All the evidence is there, right before your eyes; black men are genetically superior to white men in every conceivable way. This has been scientifically proven time again and all you need to do is look at things on an objective, biological level to see that racism only exists out of jealousy and bitterness - If you disagree with this then you are in denial and anything you say in response is merely projection. I am a psychologist and I know your mind better than you do.

Lets just take a look at a few simple facts shall we? Perhaps it will paint you a picture.

Black men have bigger willies. You can scoff and protest that it's a myth all you like but that won't change reality. Just go to google, do some objective research like I did, you'll see.

I looked at thousands of pictures of black AND white cocks and used my understanding of ratios and proportions to intricately map out the varying measurements, which led me to an irrefutable truth; black cocks are simply better than white cocks.

Yes whities have that pink head which is obviously an appealing tone when you compare it to the rest of the colour spectrum, but blackies are generally MUCH bigger; fuller, thicker, sturdier looking, which is an appealing collection of traits which undoubtedly help them soar well above whities in terms of overall value. It's just maths man. Basic maths.

Black men are generally taller than white men and have bigger hands 'n feet and longer limbs on average. Not only does this give them an advantage in all sports most notably basketball, and feats of manhood such as looking cool with your chick while other chicks check you out and you're just standing there, lurching over everyone, your long, muscular arms reaching around her delicate waist, but it also comes in tremendous handy in general, day to day activities like buying chicken from the supermarket.

2018-06-03 19:55:40 UTC  

Black men also have hunkier bodies, objectively speaking. Their muscles are fuller; more defined. Just more aesthetically pleasing.

And their skin. Have you ever noticed how will smith just doesnt age? It's because he's black. They just dont age.

So now put yourself in her shoes. The girl I mean, and it's easy to see why she goes with the black man every time - You're just standing there minding your own business; chewing bubble gum and twirling your gorgeous hair. And along comes a big black man. Yes - he is tall. What is it they always say? "Tall dark and handsome," bingo! He saunters over with an air of swagger, beaming a stunning smile. His teeth are perfect and their stark white glow is intensified by the contrasting colours of his smoky black face.

He wraps his long muscular arms around you, speaking in a deep, hypnotic tone that only a black man can achieve, as you float there in the air; hypnotised. You know what's coming.You know all black men are beasts in the bedroom. Dominant. Skillful. Firm but affectionate. And you know you get to indulge in a porn star cock; perfectly formed, neat and clean, veiny and thick and raw and hard.

You're done. Not even your own wife busting in on you is going to make you stop.

How can you deny yourself this any longer. Just accept it. Black men are superior males and they are powerful and strong and I am weak and inferior and I need to learn my place.

2018-06-03 19:58:50 UTC  

As party leader, I will unite all right-wing parties, such as the fascists and libertarians. I will also communicate better than the previous leader, and will destroy any leftist party that stands in our way! I will support any right wing parties that need our support.
"Unite the right!"

2018-06-03 19:58:51 UTC  

What is this cringe?

2018-06-03 19:59:01 UTC  


2018-06-03 19:59:55 UTC  

I will not be united with libertarians

2018-06-03 20:00:08 UTC  

Then don't be

2018-06-03 20:00:13 UTC  

"unite the right"
are you going to kill someone and fracture again?

2018-06-03 20:00:25 UTC  

Like the kulaks?

2018-06-03 20:00:25 UTC  

Ya commies

2018-06-03 20:00:31 UTC  

okay this is epic

2018-06-03 20:00:40 UTC  

@Gustavus the Thiccus you’re a cuck

2018-06-03 20:00:48 UTC  

@Mr. X Sarge left lol

2018-06-03 20:00:57 UTC  

Why's that?

2018-06-03 20:00:58 UTC  

Trying to appease the fascists @Gustavus the Thiccus

2018-06-03 20:01:00 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:01:03 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:01:05 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:01:06 UTC  

**some guy nobody knows driving a Challenger hits a car in front of him and causes an obese woman next to the scene to have a heart attack**

2018-06-03 20:01:08 UTC  

RIP :/

2018-06-03 20:01:12 UTC  

why would fascists murder somebody like this?

2018-06-03 20:01:14 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:01:15 UTC  

I knew that would happen

2018-06-03 20:01:20 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:01:31 UTC  

I'm running for the party leader

2018-06-03 20:01:33 UTC  

That fat commie and those two System pigs were the highlight of Cville.

2018-06-03 20:01:46 UTC  

If you think SJWs deserve to live you're retarded

2018-06-03 20:01:52 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:02:36 UTC  

It's the funniest thing ever when commies think Fascists are going to debate them

2018-06-03 20:02:43 UTC  

"pls debate me D:"

2018-06-03 20:02:47 UTC  

protip: brandishing a rifle at a person in a car will make him jumpy
subsequently hitting that car with a bat might make him freak out

2018-06-03 20:02:51 UTC  

If you think right or left wingers deserve to live you're retarded

2018-06-03 20:03:05 UTC  

Commies are too fucked in the head to think rationally

2018-06-03 20:03:15 UTC  

they only think with feelings like most lefties

2018-06-03 20:03:26 UTC  

isn't that what drives most people though

2018-06-03 20:03:33 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:03:35 UTC  

I wouldn't go that far

2018-06-03 20:03:38 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:03:39 UTC  
2018-06-03 20:03:43 UTC  

@Mr. X You sound like Ben Shapiro