Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 423443769803800577
pour one out for our ni<:drewmiller:423319800215764993><:drewmiller:423319800215764993>a mr. wheelchair
Goodnight men
Pray for Saccone!
I've got $13 on the line!
(at this point it's been drained to $2 though)
N I <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> A
<:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993>
Stephen Hawking memes incoming:
Don't Recounts usually favor republicans?
His Marine background didn't hurt
Not the Absentees
It’s a bit embarrassing for us when the biggest march/protest in U.S. history was last years Women’s March
@GermanEastAfrica paid by Soros
Great night last night, though.
<:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993> <:drewmiller:423319800215764993>
@everyone join us in the voice chat
Yo, my doods!
25 mins
Anyone talking?
No talking?
just turn down the user volume on the music bot
I hear nothing
are you sure your headset isn't muted?
It sounds like everyone is muted.
*smokes recreational nuke*
Democrats are going to defeat Rauner in a wave.
Look at the primary voter gap.
libertarian party