Message from @ThatRightWingFish
Discord ID: 448650829860306956
no that was rock and roll mcdonalds
Oh that's right.
?que list
?play 28
All the autism just kinda blends
how dare you insult rock and roll mcdonalds
There's no definitive start or end.
Who tf just added me
?queue list
Ew someone from New Jersey
Added It was Almost Heaven, California... to the queue.
I love that song @🎃Boo-ton🎃
shut up
I got some Powerwolf in there for some crusading tunes
no one cares about New Mexico 2.0
Don't worry.
That was great
Illegal meds
shut up
yah fag
we're trying to enjoy our anthem
?queue list
?play 7
Added Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (Lyric Video) to the queue.
I've heard better...
The song in literally every Vietnam related movie and game
>Movie starts in a Huey
some folks are born!
>my name is number 1
I am famous
@zakattack04 you mean the best possible intro to any movie ever
Sweet now I can dox you.
@GermanEastAfrica Mmmm
do it