Message from @R E P T I L E

Discord ID: 436232786001788939

2018-04-17 23:41:32 UTC  

might as well laugh along the way

2018-04-17 23:41:45 UTC  

I'm the one laughing

2018-04-17 23:42:03 UTC  

I'm the one that said "Well the president hit Syria, so hit em hard!"

2018-04-17 23:42:20 UTC  

You're the one that's saying

2018-04-17 23:42:30 UTC  

That's just annoying

2018-04-17 23:42:33 UTC  

That's not funny

2018-04-17 23:43:13 UTC  

Unless you manage to provoke me more, I'm done ranting. (I also have an internship application to fill out.)

2018-04-17 23:46:48 UTC  

@Deleted User yeah, but I don't link my steam account with the one I use for the discord

2018-04-17 23:47:22 UTC  

I don't play a lot of games

2018-04-17 23:47:35 UTC  

For someone going to a tech school who could code his own game

2018-04-17 23:50:37 UTC  

We could see who could beat universal paperclips in less time

2018-04-17 23:58:25 UTC  

Conor Lamb "won" because he was a strong candidate. Any single factor would have tipped the race in our favor

2018-04-17 23:58:29 UTC  

Same with Alabama

2018-04-17 23:58:40 UTC  

Trump also does have legit achievements

2018-04-17 23:58:54 UTC  

how many of them are permanent

2018-04-17 23:58:55 UTC  

And there are lots of other optimistic guys here too

2018-04-17 23:59:13 UTC  

No such thing as a truly permanent achievement when it comes to legislation

2018-04-17 23:59:13 UTC  

Ohh no, I'm ending that rant

2018-04-18 12:47:16 UTC  

Fuck I hate democracy

2018-04-18 18:31:18 UTC  

Don't we all?

2018-04-18 18:33:20 UTC  

"Democracy is useless when the majority are wolves, and the minority are sheep"

2018-04-18 19:08:22 UTC  

im about to shill goys

2018-04-18 19:08:25 UTC  
2018-04-18 19:08:39 UTC  

come join the chat and talk about stuff

2018-04-18 19:10:23 UTC  

Who is you shilling?

2018-04-19 00:13:17 UTC  

Reminder that the Democrat always wins

2018-04-19 00:13:40 UTC  

McCarthy is going to be speaker and we get another 10 years of the same

2018-04-19 00:14:26 UTC  

America is gunna be brown and we're losf

2018-04-19 00:45:24 UTC  

drumpf is finished

2018-04-19 01:58:30 UTC  

"Rick Scott? Yeah we're not gunna fucking let that happen."

2018-04-22 14:33:34 UTC  

Trump is finished

2018-04-22 14:56:46 UTC  

It's over for Drumpf

2018-04-22 14:56:53 UTC

2018-04-22 15:00:02 UTC  

No u

2018-04-26 00:39:46 UTC  

I miss the good days of the GOP

Back when we had men like McCain and flake. True heroes who stood up for conservative ideals like putting business first and defending our interests all over the world - especially our allies.

I'm afraid that our party has been hijacked by charlatans and has given into tribalism and ethnophobia. We have embraced the worst of our evolutionary mindset while shirking the best.

I'm sad to see it end like this. Since when did we stand for racism? We never gave a wit about your color or creed, it was what you believed that defined you in the party of Lincoln. Wasn't it our party's greatest president who tore down walls in the USSR? Yet now we want to build them to keep out our neighbors.

We were the party of patriotism, now we are the party that attacks the patriots in our FBI.

We were the party of virtue, now we are the party that supports a foul-mouthed chauvinist.

We were the party of law and order, and now we tolerate our politicians using foreign influence to harm our democracy.

We were the party of state's rights and small government, now we are the party that sues California for trying to govern themselves as see see fit with immigration.

We were the party of doing things by the book, and now were the party that broke centuries of tradition by ramming through a supreme court justice in the Senate.

We were the party that embraced the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, and now were the party of nighttime terrorism by federal soldiers in minority communities.

And we were the party that I was proud to be a part of. Not any more. Today, I changed my registration to "unaffiliated".

I hope that we will be forgiven for betraying our principles.

2018-04-26 00:43:43 UTC  

where did you find that

2018-04-26 01:50:39 UTC  

That was the most boomer thing I have read in a while. Got a good chuckle

2018-04-26 03:25:57 UTC  

Haha ^^

2018-04-26 05:28:58 UTC  

Felt like I was reading a rant written by Seth mcfarlane in like american dad or something

2018-04-27 20:24:32 UTC  

Die ewige boomer

2018-04-29 18:49:26 UTC  

Trump has betrayed us time and time again