Message from @GermanEastAfrica

Discord ID: 459945607688224779

2018-06-23 04:50:32 UTC  

Goy latte

2018-06-23 04:50:40 UTC  

Goy milk

2018-06-23 04:50:58 UTC  


2018-06-23 04:51:55 UTC  

>tfw I once shilled for the massive Jewish backed conspiracy of Iraq having WMDs.

2018-06-23 04:52:08 UTC  


2018-06-23 04:52:11 UTC  


2018-06-23 04:52:24 UTC  

Yes, I used to believe that.

2018-06-23 04:52:24 UTC  


2018-06-23 04:52:32 UTC  

I used to be a massive Neo-con.

2018-06-23 04:52:41 UTC  


2018-06-23 04:52:46 UTC

2018-06-23 04:53:16 UTC  

I’ll do you one better

2018-06-23 04:53:31 UTC

2018-06-23 04:54:31 UTC

2018-06-23 04:54:55 UTC  

Mine's better because it has no shitty white background

2018-06-23 04:55:48 UTC

2018-06-23 04:55:51 UTC  

My dox

2018-06-23 04:56:03 UTC  

You look like a faggot.

2018-06-23 04:56:20 UTC  

2018-06-23 04:57:26 UTC  

Get the fuck off the Challenger. you'll get your McDonalds grease all over the paint

2018-06-23 04:59:38 UTC  

It’s about as retarded as I thought Deus would look

2018-06-23 05:02:20 UTC  

I thought he would look more Italian.

2018-06-23 05:12:53 UTC  
2018-06-23 05:13:26 UTC  

Like your greasy skinhead ass could do anything

2018-06-23 05:13:56 UTC  

Dude I am a skinhead who likes siege

2018-06-23 05:14:07 UTC  

Stop hating

2018-06-23 05:14:57 UTC  

That makes it even worse

2018-06-23 05:16:09 UTC  

@GermanEastAfrica do you think that is actually me?

2018-06-23 05:16:17 UTC  

Of course not

2018-06-23 05:16:24 UTC  

Well it is

2018-06-23 05:16:32 UTC  

The virgin buzzcut VS the Chad Hitler youth cut

2018-06-23 05:16:32 UTC  

I just know that you’re still a greasy skinhead

2018-06-23 05:16:45 UTC  

Who reads Siege

2018-06-23 05:17:02 UTC  

I was joking lol

2018-06-23 05:17:09 UTC  

@R E P T I L E I do have a HY cut

2018-06-23 05:17:27 UTC  

Good on ya m8. skinheads are retarded

2018-06-23 06:28:47 UTC