Message from @ThatRightWingFish
Discord ID: 472252779369332736
I'm just trying to show them what the server is like without them.
Hi just trying to show them what the server is like without them., I'm Dad!
Is that so hard? Instead you have to act like faggots and misrepresent who we were asking for
We made so much progress, all for this shit
Obviously Zak is going to break your rules or something, and you’ll kick out Button
What children
From what Ive heard you’re a furry with a dragon dildo
Can *I*
*Dragon fleshlight
be a commited member role
Also a demoralizing fag looking to purposefully bring down people here
@Nuke your an idiot tbh
no one ever asked for zak
Has Button done anything bad?
it's all these newfags
I'm giving out committed member roles like candy.
Hi giving out committed member roles like candy., I'm Dad!
Holy shit what a manchild
Who got kicked?
To just prove a point?
Jebber left or was kicked?
He must've left on accident.
left, rejoined
I didn't kick him certainly.
And I cannot find any kick record in the audit logs.
anyways, it's a long night we've all had
@Stuffy McStuffins 🤟 Was that Zak’s?
every one of them
Aw jeez
let's just continue with this tomorrow, leave it here for now
What a collection
Or maybe you can just solve your own problem before it starts, ban Zak, and keep button
Instead of manufacturing an issue so you can say “See, I told you so! XD”
I’m back guys
Hi back guys, I'm Dad!