Message from @Rhodesiaboo
Discord ID: 435518322663227410
We're gonna die
this guy still thinks Lesko is gonna win
I was hoping a nuke would just wipe us out in WWIII
some of the Dem shills in PredictIt still think it's a Lesko win
But no, the dems have to do it
some of the other Dem shills think it's because a lot of Repubican voters are voting D
Tipirneni doesn't seem like the type who would attract GOP voters though
You know we need some form of their "vote democrat so it progresses our goals and people see you're right" crap
even /r/BlueMidterm2018 is doubting it
anyway, I think that if Hiral Tipirneni does win, expect to see a GOP loss in November 6. I'm not going go all @🎃Boo-ton🎃 on you (I never will), but I will say we'd best prepare for ways on reeeeesisting the democrats in congress and invigorating the base for 2020
now.....if Tipirneni does win, the only thing that would make the GOP not lose is something like pizzagate being proven and Hillary and a bunch of others going t ojail
if Tipirneni loses, it's still likely a GOP loss, but not as severe
and we gotta wait and see for other events before Nov 6
Some loonbag conspiracy
Every single news source that “disproved” it, didn’t even look at it
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 why do you think it's just a conspiracy
All they did was take 5 minutes and say “it’s fake”
did you take a look at how suspicious the words they were using were
I mean, it doesn't have to be as bad as how some people imagine it for it to be a scandal
IIRC I read something about Obama spending $20,000 in taxpayer money on flying hotdogs somewhere
even if "hotdogs" literally just means hotdogs....that's still something to get pissed about
It's something that definitely warrants investigation
no one can definitively say that it's false or true
what does @🎃Boo-ton🎃 think of this
Keith Ellison himself is saying that the Dems are "losing elections" lmao
BM will find a way to get pissy about it
Well, whether or not it's true, we're gonna be on standby whatever happens in the next few months.
I'd say this last month we've been at our lowest point.
Keith Ellison is a leftist nutjob
It's shocking that a former Nation of Islam member almost became DNC head
They aren't losing elections
How many seats have Republicans flipped?